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Genetic Appraisal of RAAS-Associated SNPs: REN (rs16853055), AGT (rs3789678) and ACE (rs4305) in Preeclamptic Women Living with HIV Infection
Current Hypertension Reports ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s11906-023-01292-y
Annelene Govindsamy 1 , Shoohana Singh 1 , Thajasvarie Naicker 1

Purpose of Review

The primary goal of this review article was to determine whether the three RAAS-associated SNPs, Renin-rs16853055, AGT-rs3789678 and ACE-rs4305 are genetically linked to the development of hypertension in preeclampsia. The secondary goal was to establish if there was a link between these SNPs and HIV infection.

Recent Findings

There is a paucity of findings related to the aforementioned SNPs and preeclampsia. There are no recent findings on the rs16853055 renin polymorphism. The rs3789678 angiotensinogen polymorphism correlated significantly with gestational hypertension. The rs4305 ACE polymorphism showed no significant association with the development of pregnancy-induced hypertension.


There are conflicting findings when determining the relationship between ethnicity and the predisposition of preeclampsia and hypertension in relation to the discussed RAAS-associated SNPs. To date, the association between RAAS-associated SNPs and preeclamptic women co-morbid with HIV in South Africa has revealed that certain alleles of the AGT gene are more prominent in HIV-infected PE compared to normotensive pregnant HIV-infected women.


RAAS 相关 SNP 的遗传评估:感染 HIV 的先兆子痫女性中的 REN (rs16853055)、AGT (rs3789678) 和 ACE (rs4305)


这篇综述文章的主要目标是确定三个 RAAS 相关 SNP(Renin-rs16853055、AGT-rs3789678 和 ACE-rs4305)是否与先兆子痫高血压的发生存在遗传相关性。第二个目标是确定这些 SNP 与 HIV 感染之间是否存在联系。


与上述 SNP 和先兆子痫相关的研究结果很少。最近没有关于 rs16853055 肾素多态性的发现。 rs3789678血管紧张素原多态性与妊娠期高血压显着相关。 rs4305 ACE 多态性与妊娠高血压综合征的发生没有显着相关性。


在确定种族与先兆子痫和高血压易感性之间的关系(与所讨论的 RAAS 相关 SNP)相关时,存在相互矛盾的发现。迄今为止,RAAS 相关 SNP 与南非 HIV 合并先兆子痫妇女之间的关联表明,与血压正常的 HIV 感染孕妇相比,AGT 基因的某些等位基因在 HIV 感染 PE 中更为突出。
