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The Danish Nationwide Electrocardiogram (ECG) Cohort
European Journal of Epidemiology ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10654-024-01105-9
Christoffer Polcwiartek 1 , Mikkel Porsborg Andersen 2, 3 , Helle Collatz Christensen 3, 4 , Christian Torp-Pedersen 2, 5 , Kathrine Kold Sørensen 2 , Kristian Kragholm 1, 6 , Claus Graff 7

The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a non-invasive diagnostic tool holding significant clinical importance in the diagnosis and risk stratification of cardiac disease. However, access to large-scale, population-based digital ECG data for research purposes remains limited and challenging. Consequently, we established the Danish Nationwide ECG Cohort to provide data from standard 12-lead digital ECGs in both pre- and in-hospital settings, which can be linked to comprehensive Danish nationwide administrative registers on health and social data with long-term follow-up. The Danish Nationwide ECG Cohort is an open real-world cohort including all patients with at least one digital pre- or in-hospital ECG in Denmark from January 01, 2000, to December 31, 2021. The cohort includes data on standardized and uniform ECG diagnostic statements and ECG measurements including global parameters as well as lead-specific measures of waveform amplitudes, durations, and intervals. Currently, the cohort comprises 2,485,987 unique patients with a median age at the first ECG of 57 years (25th–75th percentiles, 40–71 years; males, 48%), resulting in a total of 11,952,430 ECGs. In conclusion, the Danish Nationwide ECG Cohort represents a novel and extensive population-based digital ECG dataset for cardiovascular research, encompassing both pre- and in-hospital settings. The cohort contains ECG diagnostic statements and ECG measurements that can be linked to various nationwide health and social registers without loss to follow-up.


丹麦全国心电图 (ECG) 队列

心电图(ECG)是一种非侵入性诊断工具,在心脏病的诊断和风险分层中具有重要的临床重要性。然而,出于研究目的获取大规模、基于人群的数字心电图数据仍然有限且具有挑战性。因此,我们建立了丹麦全国心电图队列,在院前和院内环境中提供标准 12 导联数字心电图数据,这些数据可以链接到丹麦全国健康和社会数据综合管理登记册,并进行长期跟踪。向上。丹麦全国心电图队列是一个开放的现实世界队列,包括 2000 年 1 月 1 日至 2021 年 12 月 31 日期间在丹麦至少接受过一次数字化院前或院内心电图检查的所有患者。该队列包括标准化和统一心电图数据诊断语句和心电图测量,包括全局参数以及波形幅度、持续时间和间隔的导联特定测量。目前,该队列由 2,485,987 名独特患者组成,第一次心电图检查的中位年龄为 57 岁(第 25-75 个百分位数,40-71 岁;男性,48%),总共有 11,952,430 个心电图。总之,丹麦全国心电图队列代表了一种新颖且广泛的基于人群的数字心电图数据集,用于心血管研究,涵盖院前和院内环境。该队列包含心电图诊断声明和心电图测量结果,可以与全国范围内的各种健康和社会登记册相关联,而不会丢失后续信息。
