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Mode choice modeling for an electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) air taxi commuting service
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2024.104000
Sreekar-Shashank Boddupalli , Laurie A. Garrow , Brian J. German , Jeffrey P. Newman

In this study, a stated choice experiment was conducted to better understand individuals’ preferences for an air taxi commute service. Random taste parameter models with panel effects were used to model the choice among: (1) traditional auto, (2) transit, and (3) air taxi. We find that individuals who are male and are frequent ridesharing users are more likely to select the air taxi. A non-trader analysis of individuals who always selected the same mode across our eight stated choice scenarios showed that air taxi preferences are heterogeneous and polarized, with 14 percent always selecting air taxi and 14 percent never selecting air taxi. Among the traders, significant variation across individuals’ value of time (VOT) was observed. Results based on a negative lognormal distribution show the median in-vehicle VOTs for the air taxi mode was about 25 USD/hour, but 10 percent had VOTs higher than 64 USD/hour. Our results highlight the need for future studies of potential market demand for eVTOL aircraft to incorporate the percentage of the population who will likely never consider using an air taxi, as well as the distribution of VOTs for those who will consider using this new mode.


电动垂直起降 (eVTOL) 空中出租车通勤服务的模式选择建模

在这项研究中,进行了一项规定的选择实验,以更好地了解个人对空中出租车通勤服务的偏好。使用具有面板效应的随机品味参数模型来模拟以下选择:(1)传统汽车,(2)公共交通和(3)空中出租车。我们发现,经常使用拼车的男性更有可能选择空中出租车。对在我们规定的八个选择场景中始终选择相同模式的个人进行的非交易者分析表明,空中出租车的偏好是异质且两极分化的,14% 的人总是选择空中出租车,14% 的人从不选择空中出租车。在交易者中,观察到个人时间价值(VOT)存在显着差异。基于负对数正态分布的结果显示,空中出租车模式的车内 VOT 中位数约为 25 美元/小时,但 10% 的 VOT 高于 64 美元/小时。我们的研究结果强调,未来需要对 eVTOL 飞机的潜在市场需求进行研究,纳入可能永远不会考虑使用空中出租车的人口百分比,以及考虑使用这种新模式的人的 VOT 分配情况。