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Forgiveness through Writing
Narrative Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1075/ni.20017.cro
John Patrick Crowley 1 , Amanda Denes 2 , Ambyre Ponivas 2 , Shana Makos 3 , Joseph Whitt 4

Research has identified that writing can help individuals find forgiveness for their romantic partners in the wake of relational transgressions, but little is known about the actual narrative components that bring about changes in forgiveness. The current study sought to investigate the narrative components that contribute to month-long changes in forgiveness for romantic partners who have recently experienced a relational transgression. It also sought to uncover emotional and biological mechanisms that can help account for the associations between narrative components and forgiveness outcomes. The results revealed components of narratives that may both contribute to an increase and decrease in forgiveness over the course of one-month. Additionally, emotional expression and testosterone were identified as potential mediators and moderators of the associations between narrative components and changes in forgiveness.


