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Narrating organisational identity
Narrative Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1075/ni.20113.hol
Lise-Lotte Holmgreen 1

Organisational identity may be understood as the result of communication processes, e.g. in the form of narratives and stories, that continuously intertwine and compete for the right to define the organisation (Boje, 1995; Humle & Frandsen, 2017). This understanding forms the background of the article which analyses the narrative struggles in a local Danish airport whose collective identity was challenged in light of organisational changes that led to a large and dispersed organisation. Combining positioning theory (Davies & Harré, 1990, 1999) with close linguistic analysis, data from a focus group interview are analysed, showing that through stories and narratives, top-management and staff members construct several positions along a cline that make it possible to achieve consensus across organisational levels and divisions. Furthermore, the article argues for analysing participants’ linguistic choices in detail to come closer to how participants do positioning work.



组织身份可以被理解为沟通过程的结果,例如以叙述和故事的形式,不断地交织在一起并争夺定义组织的权利(Boje,1995;Humle&Frandsen,2017)。这种理解构成了本文的背景,该文章分析了丹麦当地机场的叙事斗争,由于组织变革导致组织庞大而分散,该机场的集体身份受到挑战。将定位理论(Davies & Harré,1990,1999)与密切的语言分析相结合,对焦点小组访谈的数据进行了分析,表明通过故事和叙述,高层管理人员和员工沿着一条路线构建了多个职位,从而使在组织层面和部门之间达成共识。此外,本文主张详细分析参与者的语言选择,以更接近参与者如何进行定位工作。