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Metaphoric veiled image-schema of kinship organization in ceremonial space: A south Andean case
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101569
Tom D. Dillehay

This study is an interdisciplinary approach to a veiled metaphoric design expressed in the present-day spatial layout of ecologically-derived patronyms of Mapuche lineages and families positioned in public ceremonial plazas. The perspective combines ethnoarchaeological, cognitive, iconographic, oral tradition, allegoric metaphor, and historical approaches to the organization and meaning of this design, taking into account the past and present dimensions of ritual media (e.g., political, ideological and sensorial) to render a concept publicly graspable. Shamans and other informants state that the design represents an ancient foundational schema established for intercommunity political solidarity during times of both peace and conflict in the Spanish colonial and Republican era of the south-central Andes of Chile. Shamans were asked to draw their mental image of the hidden design of the plaza to pictographically reveal its visual representation. By examining the iconography of patronyms depicting a loosely structured order of families hierarchically positioned in ceremonial space, the invisible nature of this pattern and its wider political and kinship meaning is considered. Viewed from an archaeological perspective, this schema is suggested to be associated with a “chiefdom” or intermediate, polity-level society, and may represent a type of mental imagery and template that served as a precursor to the visible iconography on wood, stone, adobe, ceramic, textile and other media of complex Pre-Colombian societies. Ultimately, this schema is a conceptual metaphor: mapping and structuring knowledge of a trophic hierarchy of elements in the natural world to evoke a political and public organizational principle through sensorial experiences and life concerns in the invisible and visible domains of an Andean-like ceremonial format.



这项研究是一种跨学科的方法,对当今公共仪式广场中马普切血统和家庭的生态衍生父名的空间布局所表达的隐喻设计进行了研究。该视角结合了民族考古学、认知、图像学、口头传统、寓言隐喻以及该设计的组织和意义的历史方法,同时考虑到仪式媒体的过去和现在的维度(例如政治、意识形态和感官),以呈现公众可以理解的概念。萨满和其他知情者表示,该设计代表了在智利安第斯山脉中南部的西班牙殖民时期和共和时期的和平与冲突时期为社区间政治团结而建立的古老基础模式。萨满们被要求画出他们心中广场隐藏设计的图像,以象形方式揭示其视觉表现。通过研究父名的图像学,描绘了在仪式空间中按等级定位的松散结构的家庭秩序,这种模式的无形本质及其更广泛的政治和亲属关系意义被考虑。从考古学的角度来看,这种图式被认为与“酋长国”或中间的政治层面的社会有关,并且可能代表一种心理意象和模板,作为木头、石头、石头等可见图像的先驱。土坯、陶瓷、纺织品和复杂的前哥伦布社会的其他媒介。 最终,这个图式是一个概念隐喻:映射和构建自然世界元素营养等级的知识,通过类似安第斯仪式形式的不可见和可见领域的感官体验和生活关注来唤起政治和公共组织原则。