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Efficient Oxidative Decomposition of Jet-Fuel exo-Tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene (JP-10) by Aluminum Nanoparticles in a Catalytic Microreactor: An Online Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoionization Study
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.3c08125
Souvick Biswas 1 , Dababrata Paul 1 , Nureshan Dias 2 , Wenchao Lu 2 , Musahid Ahmed 2 , Michelle L Pantoya 3 , Ralf I Kaiser 1

The oxidation of gas-phase exo-tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene (JP-10, C10H16) over aluminum nanoparticles (AlNP) has been explored between a temperature range of 300 and 1250 K with a novel chemical microreactor. The results are compared with those obtained from chemical microreactor studies of helium-seeded JP-10 and of helium–oxygen-seeded JP-10 without AlNP to gauge the effects of molecular oxygen and AlNP, respectively. Vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization mass spectrometry reveals that oxidative decomposition of JP-10 in the presence of AlNP is lowered by 350 and 200 K with and without AlNP, respectively, in comparison with pyrolysis of the fuel. Overall, 63 nascent gas-phase products are identified through photoionization efficiency (PIE) curves; these can be categorized as oxygenated molecules and their radicals as well as closed-shell hydrocarbons along with hydrocarbon radicals. Quantitative branching ratios of the products reveal diminishing yields of oxidized species and enhanced branching ratios of hydrocarbon species with the increase in temperature. While in the low-temperature regime (300–1000 K), AlNP solely acts as an efficient heat transfer medium, in the higher-temperature regime (1000–1250 K), chemical reactivity is triggered, facilitating the primary decomposition of the parent JP-10 molecule. This enhanced reactivity of AlNP could plausibly be linked to the exposed reactive surface of the aluminum (Al) core generated upon the rupture of the alumina shell material above the melting point of the metal (Al).


催化微反应器中铝纳米颗粒对喷气燃料外型四氢二环戊二烯 (JP-10) 的高效氧化分解:在线真空紫外光电离研究

利用新型化学微反应器,在 300 至 1250 K 的温度范围内探索了铝纳米颗粒 (AlNP) 上气相外型四氢二环戊二烯 (JP-10, C 10 H 16 ) 的氧化。将结果与氦种子 JP-10 和不含 AlNP 的氦氧种子 JP-10 的化学微反应器研究中获得的结果进行比较,以分别测量分子氧和 AlNP 的影响。真空紫外 (VUV) 光电离质谱分析表明,与燃料的热解相比,在有 AlNP 存在和无 AlNP 存在的情况下,JP-10 的氧化分解分别降低了 350 K 和 200 K。总体而言,通过光电离效率 (PIE) 曲线识别出 63 种新生气相产物;这些可以归类为氧化分子及其自由基以及闭壳碳氢化合物和烃自由基。产物的定量支化比表明,随着温度的升高,氧化物质的产率逐渐减少,而碳氢化合物的支化比增加。在低温状态(300–1000 K),AlNP 仅充当有效的传热介质,而在较高温度状态(1000–1250 K),会触发化学反应,促进母体 JP 的初级分解-10分子。 AlNP 的这种增强的反应性可能与氧化铝壳材料在金属 (Al) 熔点以上破裂时产生的铝 (Al) 核的暴露反应表面有关。