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The Intersection of Human Trafficking and Natural Disasters: A Scoping Review
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-13 , DOI: 10.1177/15248380241227985
Katherine Hoogesteyn 1 , Leanne McCallum Desselle 1 , Kelle Barrick 1 , Rebecca Pfeffer 1 , Lauren Vollinger 1

Natural disasters have increased in frequency and severity in recent years. Emerging research also suggests that natural disasters increase the risk of human trafficking. This confluence of phenomena makes it critically important to better prepare communities for preventing and responding to human trafficking during and after a natural disaster. Yet, there is no available synthesis of the extant research to inform these preparations. The present scoping review aims to fill this gap by outlining the existing literature on the nexus of disasters and human trafficking. The review follows the Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis—Scoping Review guidelines. Sources were identified through manual reference checking and in four databases: PubMed, Web of Science, APA PsychINFO, and EBSCO Discovery Service. In total, 46 sources met the inclusion criteria, that is, they focused on the nexus between human trafficking and natural disasters, demonstrated scientific rigor, and were published after 2000 and in English. Overall, the reviewed literature provided initial evidence on the association between natural disasters occurrences and increases in national and transnational human trafficking activity, understanding of the compounding vulnerabilities conducive to trafficking following disasters, and recommendations for the prevention and response to human trafficking in the wake of disasters. Future studies should evaluate prevention initiatives, including awareness campaigns and interventions that mitigate trafficking vulnerabilities. In practice, it is crucial to integrate anti-trafficking efforts into disaster relief protocols, empower vulnerable populations, and advocate for enhanced legal protections for displaced and migrant individuals.



近年来,自然灾害的频率和严重程度不断增加。新兴研究还表明,自然灾害会增加人口贩运的风险。这些现象的汇集使得社区在自然灾害期间和之后更好地预防和应对人口贩运变得至关重要。然而,目前还没有对现有研究进行综合分析来为这些准备工作提供信息。本次范围界定审查旨在通过概述有关灾害与人口贩运之间关系的现有文献来填补这一空白。该审查遵循系统审查和荟萃分析的首选报告项目——范围审查指南。来源是通过手动参考检查和四个数据库确定的:PubMed、Web of Science、APA PsychINFO 和 EBSCO Discovery Service。总共有 46 个来源符合纳入标准,即它们关注人口贩运与自然灾害之间的关系,表现出科学严谨性,并于 2000 年之后以英文出版。总体而言,审查的文献提供了关于自然灾害发生与国家和跨国人口贩运活动增加之间关系的初步证据,了解了灾害后有利于人口贩运的复合脆弱性,并提出了在自然灾害发生后预防和应对人口贩运的建议。灾难。未来的研究应评估预防举措,包括提高认识活动和减轻贩运脆弱性的干预措施。在实践中,至关重要的是将反人口贩运工作纳入救灾方案、赋予弱势群体权力并倡导加强对流离失所者和移民个人的法律保护。