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How to Regulate Platforms Through a Non-Exploitative User-Generated-Content Levy
Social Science Computer Review ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-17 , DOI: 10.1177/08944393241227662
Weijie Huang 1 , Xi Chen 1

The democratization of technology to re-create content and make that content publicly available has spurred a wave of user-generated content (UGC), which has produced remarkable social and economic benefits. However, under current copyright law, UGC creators face the dilemma of being deterred from creating UGC because of the risk of copyright infringement, copyright owners can rarely obtain remuneration from UGC, and UGC platforms profit from UGC without being held liable for copyright infringement. Recent proposals to extend fair use and compulsory licenses to UGC creators and impose direct liability on UGC platforms cannot solve the UGC dilemma due to the inadequate or unreasonable regulation of UGC platforms. This study aims to solve the UGC dilemma by proposing a non-exploitative UGC levy on UGC platforms. We demonstrate the necessity of the non-exploitative UGC levy by conducting a comparative study of existing proposals and illustrate the feasibility of the non-exploitative UGC levy through an institutional analysis of its framework and enforcement mechanisms. Justification of the proposed levy and responses to possible criticism are also provided. The levy scheme also provides inspiration for how copyright law can address burgeoning artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC).



重新创建内容并使内容公开的技术民主化催生了用户生成内容(UGC)的浪潮,产生了显着的社会和经济效益。然而,在现行版权法下,UGC创作者面临着因版权侵权风险而不敢创作、版权人很少能从UGC中获得报酬、UGC平台从UGC中获利而无需承担版权侵权责任的困境。最近提出的将合理使用和强制许可扩展到UGC创作者以及对UGC平台施加直接责任的建议并不能解决由于UGC平台监管不充分或不合理而导致的UGC困境。本研究旨在通过提出对 UGC 平台征收非剥削性 UGC 税来解决 UGC 困境。我们通过对现有建议的比较研究,论证非剥削性教资会征费的必要性,并通过对其框架和执行机制的制度分析,说明非剥削性教资会征费的可行性。还提供了拟议征税的理由以及对可能批评的回应。该征税计划还为版权法如何应对新兴的人工智能生成内容(AIGC)提供了灵感。