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During the chaos of war: US adoptions and risks for unaccompanied Ukrainian refugee children
International Social Work ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-13 , DOI: 10.1177/00208728231225947
Karen S Rotabi-Casares 1 , Patricia F Fronek 2 , Justin S Lee 3

The adoption of Ukrainian children, by US citizens, is examined as the Ukrainian government ceases adoptions of children during the chaos of war. Intercountry adoption dynamics are presented with data from 2021, prior to the conflict in 2022. Then, the situation regarding child rights and the official Ukrainian government position are considered. Implications for guardianship and foster care of unaccompanied refugee minors are presented along with other critical risks to Ukrainian children living in another country. Implications for social work practice are concluded and child rights advocacy is encouraged as a macro intervention.



由于乌克兰政府在战争混乱期间停止收养儿童,美国公民收养乌克兰儿童的情况受到审查。跨国收养动态采用 2021 年、2022 年冲突之前的数据提供。然后,考虑了有关儿童权利的情况和乌克兰政府的官方立场。对无人陪伴的未成年难民的监护和寄养的影响以及居住在另一个国家的乌克兰儿童面临的其他重大风险也被提出。总结了对社会工作实践的影响,并鼓励儿童权利倡导作为宏观干预。