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Performance Prospects of Remote Work in Street-Level Bureaucratic Settings: Insights From Teachers and Caseworkers in Denmark
Review of Public Personnel Administration ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 , DOI: 10.1177/0734371x241229673
Paw Hansen 1 , Mogens Jin Pedersen 2

What are the prospects of remote work—working from home—in the context of street-level bureaucratic work? This article explores how remote work relates to performance in public service settings. Focusing on the push toward remote work induced by the COVID-19 pandemic and using survey responses from Danish frontline workers ( n = 1,578) in two types of public service organizations, we find that remote work is associated with a loss in self-reported performance. The loss is greater for frontline workers in people-changing relative to people-processing organizations—and appears driven by lacking motivation, work tools, and coworker interactions.



在街头官僚工作的背景下,远程工作(在家工作)的前景如何?本文探讨了远程工作与公共服务环境中绩效的关系。着眼于 COVID-19 大流行引发的远程工作推动,并利用丹麦两类公共服务组织一线工作人员 (n = 1,578) 的调查回复,我们发现远程工作与自我报告的绩效下降有关。相对于人员处理组织而言,人员变动中的一线员工的损失更大,而且似乎是由于缺乏动力、工作工具和同事互动而造成的。