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Practice Research Partnerships in Social Work: Addressing Impact and Credible Evidence
Research on Social Work Practice ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-07 , DOI: 10.1177/10497315241229680
Ilse Julkunen 1 , Lynette Joubert 2 , Christa Fouché 3 , Martin Webber 4 , Monica Short 5 , Louise Whitaker 6 , Anna Metteri 7

Purpose: This article builds on the Practice Research Collaboratives (PRCs) as an initiative that developed from the Fifth Conference on Practice Research to provide a platform for practice researchers to engage actively around impact and influence. Research question: The unique features of research activities that enable transformational impact in three cases in social work practice research involving long-term community and university research partnerships. Methodology: Literature review and comparison of case studies. Results: The cases show how the processes of implementation are not only seen as linear, but constantly evolving at the same time as intervention fidelity in social work is crucial to improving outcomes for people, which can have transformative impacts for individuals and systems alike. Conclusion: We conclude by describing the importance of understanding the feasibility of complex problems and complex social situation which requires meaningful communication between partners, transparency and involvement of all players throughout the process.



目的:本文以实践研究合作组织 (PRC) 为基础,该合作组织是第五届实践研究会议发起的一项倡议,旨在为实践研究人员提供一个积极参与影响力的平台。研究问题:研究活动的独特特征能够在涉及长期社区和大学研究伙伴关系的社会工作实践研究的三个案例中产生变革性影响。方法:文献综述和案例研究比较。结果:这些案例表明,实施过程不仅被视为线性的,而且在不断发展的同时,社会工作中的干预保真度对于改善人们的结果至关重要,这可能对个人和系统产生变革性的影响。结论:我们最后描述了理解复杂问题和复杂社会情况的可行性的重要性,这需要合作伙伴之间进行有意义的沟通,整个过程中所有参与者的透明度和参与。