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Analysis of triadic interaction between parents, their preterm infants, and a sonorous object
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-12 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356231225673
María Jánez-Álvarez 1, 2, 3 , Iván Moreno-Llanos 2 , Cristina Santacatalina-Pulido 3, 4 , Yinay José De León-Barrios 3 , Eduardo García-Laredo 5 , María Jesús Del Olmo-Barros 3 , Cintia Rodríguez-Garrido 2

In the period between birth and approximately 9 months, adults introduce infants to triadic (adult–infant–object) communication. The objective of this study is to explore how early triadic interactions arise and develop in moderate–late preterm infants. We observed and analyzed seven preterm infants at 2, 3, and 4 months of age in triadic interactions with a caregiver and a sonorous object. In the first 2 months of the infant’s life, the responsibility for the interaction rests with the adult. As time went by, parents used a wider range of semiotic systems to communicate with the child, about and through the object. The results demonstrated the presence of triadic interactions in a preterm population beginning in the third month of life. Interaction is structured with the object, its sound, rhythm, and pauses. The parents’ use of pauses was adjusted to the child’s availability. These pauses became longer and more communicative over time, which allowed more participation on the part of the infants. Communication is facilitated by the rhythmic components of the triadic interaction (time/pauses/structure of the interaction sequence).



在出生到大约 9 个月期间,成人向婴儿引入三元(成人-婴儿-客体)交流。本研究的目的是探讨中晚期早产儿早期三元相互作用如何产生和发展。我们观察并分析了 7 名 2、3 和 4 个月大的早产儿与看护者和发声物体的三元互动。在婴儿生命的前两个月,互动的责任由成人承担。随着时间的推移,父母使用更广泛的符号系统与孩子就物体和通过物体进行交流。结果表明,早产儿从出生第三个月开始就存在三元相互作用。交互是由物体、它的声音、节奏和停顿构成的。父母对暂停的使用根据孩子的空闲时间进行调整。随着时间的推移,这些停顿变得越来越长,交流性也越来越强,这使得婴儿能够更多地参与。三元交互的节奏成分(交互序列的时间/停顿/结构)促进了沟通。