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Core and Catalyst Criteria Motivating CrossFit Athletes to Reveal or Conceal Their Non-Visible Health Conditions
Communication & Sport ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-20 , DOI: 10.1177/21674795241228386
Shana Makos 1 , Charee M. Thompson 1

Despite robust literature concerning the illness disclosure decision making process, it remains unclear how individuals choose to reveal and conceal non-visible health conditions in group exercise. At the intersection of non-visible illness management and group exercise, the purpose of this study is to apply communication privacy management theory (CPM) to better understand the core and catalyst criteria athletes with non-visible health conditions utilize when determining whether to reveal or conceal their conditions in the context of the CrossFit gym. CrossFit is an international fitness program with more than 14,000 affiliate gyms in more than 155 countries. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 23 CrossFit athletes. Findings indicate that core criteria prompted athletes to conceal because of identity and stigma threats but reveal as a way to break the stigma and advocate for themselves and others. Catalyst criteria shaped athletes’ disclosure decisions in two ways, including concealing to avoid burdening others and revealing to foster relationships. Implications for both theory and practice are discussed.


激励 CrossFit 运动员揭示或隐藏其不可见健康状况的核心和催化剂标准

尽管有大量关于疾病披露决策过程的文献,但仍不清楚个人如何选择在团体锻炼中披露和隐瞒不可见的健康状况。在不可见疾病管理和团体锻炼的交叉点上,本研究的目的是应用通信隐私管理理论(CPM)来更好地理解具有不可见健康状况的运动员在决定是否透露或透露信息时使用的核心和催化剂标准。在 CrossFit 健身房中隐藏自己的状况。CrossFit 是一项国际健身计划,在超过 155 个国家/地区拥有 14,000 多家附属健身房。我们对 23 名 CrossFit 运动员进行了半结构化采访。调查结果表明,核心标准促使运动员因身份和耻辱威胁而隐瞒真相,但揭露真相是打破耻辱并为自己和他人辩护的一种方式。催化剂标准以两种方式影响运动员的披露决定,包括隐瞒以避免给他人带来负担和透露以培养关系。讨论了理论和实践的意义。