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Effectiveness of Mental Health and Wellbeing Interventions for Children and Young People in Foster, Kinship, and Residential Care: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-16 , DOI: 10.1177/15248380241227987
Rob Trubey 1 , Rhiannon Evans 1 , Sarah McDonald 1 , Jane Noyes 2 , Mike Robling 1 , Simone Willis 1 , Maria Boffey 1 , Charlotte Wooders 3 , Soo Vinnicombe 2 , G. J. Melendez-Torres 4

The mental health and wellbeing of children and young people who have been in care, primarily foster care, kinship care or residential care, remains a public health priority. The Care-experienced cHildren and young people’s Interventions to improve Mental health and wEll-being outcomes Systematic review (CHIMES) synthesized evidence for the effectiveness of interventions targeting: subjective wellbeing; mental, behavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders; and suicide-related outcomes. Searches were conducted in 16 bibliographic databases and 22 websites between 1990 and 2022. This was supplemented by citation tracking, screening of relevant systematic reviews, and expert recommendation. We identified 35 interventions, with 44 evaluations via randomized controlled trials. Through meta-analyses, we found that interventions have a small beneficial impact on a variety of mental health outcomes in the short term (0–6 months). Interventions improved total social, emotional, and behavioral problems ( d = −0.15, 95% CI [−0.28, −0.02]), social-emotional functioning difficulties ( d = −0.18, 95% CI [−0.31, −0.05]), externalizing problem behaviors ( d = −0.30, 95% CI [−0.53, −0.08]), internalizing problem behaviors ( d = −0.35, 95% CI [−0.61, −0.08]); and depression and anxiety ( d = −0.26, 95% CI [−0.40, −0.13]). Interventions did not demonstrate any effectiveness for outcomes assessed in the longer term (>6 months). Certainty of effectiveness was limited by risk of bias and imprecision. There was limited available evidence for interventions targeting subjective wellbeing and suicide-related outcomes. Future intervention design and delivery must ensure that programs are sufficient to activate causal mechanisms and facilitate change. Evaluation research should use a robust methodology.PROSPERO Registration: CRD42020177478



接受护理(主要是寄养护理、亲属护理或寄宿护理)的儿童和青少年的心理健康和福祉仍然是公共卫生的优先事项。有护理经验的儿童和青少年改善心理健康和福祉结果的干预措施系统审查(CHIMES)综合了干预措施有效性的证据,目标是:主观福祉;精神、行为和神经发育障碍;和自杀相关的结果。1990 年至 2022 年间,在 16 个书目数据库和 22 个网站中进行了检索。并辅以引文跟踪、相关系统综述筛选和专家推荐。我们确定了 35 项干预措施,并通过随机对照试验进行了 44 项评估。通过荟萃分析,我们发现干预措施在短期(0-6 个月)内对各种心理健康结果具有微小的有益影响。干预措施改善了总体社交、情绪和行为问题(d = -0.15,95% CI [-0.28,-0.02])、社交情绪功能困难(d = -0.18,95% CI [-0.31,-0.05]) ,外化问题行为( d = -0.30,95% CI [-0.53,-0.08]),内化问题行为( d = -0.35,95% CI [-0.61,-0.08]);以及抑郁和焦虑(d = -0.26,95% CI [-0.40,-0.13])。干预措施并未显示出对长期(>6 个月)评估结果有任何有效性。有效性的确定性受到偏倚和不精确风险的限制。针对主观幸福感和自杀相关结果的干预措施的现有证据有限。未来的干预设计和实施必须确保方案足以激活因果机制并促进变革。评估研究应使用稳健的方法。PROSPERO 注册:CRD42020177478