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Working against the clock: digital surveillance in US Medicaid homecare services
Journal of Sociology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-02 , DOI: 10.1177/14407833231226097
Alexandra Mateescu 1

This article explores the implementation of a digital verification system known as Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) across homecare services for older and disabled adults within the US Medicaid program. EVV systems are used to conduct daily check-ins through GPS tracking and biometric identity verification. While touted as a means to identify and deter “fraud, waste, and abuse,” the digital monitoring also generates detailed data trails on the lives and habits of service recipients, as well as constraining their daily movements. Drawing on qualitative interviews with workers and clients, I argue that this case study calls attention to how harms from digitalization of social welfare provision emerge from workplace surveillance and labor management, and how EVV becomes a tool for more finely tuning classifications of different types of paid and unpaid care. The burdensome digital compliance hurdles reinforced older employment tensions between the state, care workers, and public benefits recipients.



本文探讨了美国医疗补助计划中针对老年人和残疾人的家庭护理服务中称为电子就诊验证 (EVV) 的数字验证系统的实施情况。EVV 系统用于通过 GPS 跟踪和生物识别身份验证进行日常签到。虽然数字监控被誉为识别和阻止“欺诈、浪费和滥用”的一种手段,但它还能生成有关服务接受者的生活和习惯的详细数据轨迹,并限制他们的日常活动。基于对工人和客户的定性访谈,我认为这个案例研究引起了人们的关注,社会福利供给数字化如何从工作场所监控和劳动管理中产生危害,以及 EVV 如何成为更精细地调整不同类型有偿劳动分类的工具。和无偿护理。繁重的数字合规障碍加剧了国家、护理人员和公共福利受益者之间长期以来的就业紧张关系。