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Relationships Between Nonprofits’ Social Responsibility Structures and Employee Relations: A Multi-Level Approach
Review of Public Personnel Administration ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-08 , DOI: 10.1177/0734371x231226376
Seok Eun Kim 1

What is the social responsibility (SR) an organization has to its employees? Seasoned experts have observed that existing SR literature predominantly emphasizes external SR to society while largely overlooking internal SR towards organizational employees. This can be misleading when nonprofit organizations (NPOs) provide labor-intensive social services, where the quality of labor inputs directly affects the desired outcomes. This study examines the relationship between the institutionalization of SR structures (SR vision and strategic plans, ethical codes, and SR units) and internal SR as measured by employee relations, using multi-level theoretical approaches. The findings suggest that the presence of SR structures in NPOs leads to improved relationships between employers and employees, manifested through enhanced compensation, working conditions, and employee protection programs. However, structural properties marginally affect NPOs in comparison to for-profit organizations.



组织对其员工负有哪些社会责任(SR)?经验丰富的专家观察到,现有的社会责任文献主要强调对社会的外部社会责任,而在很大程度上忽视了对组织员工的内部社会责任。当非营利组织 (NPO) 提供劳动密集型社会服务时,这可能会产生误导,而劳动投入的质量直接影响期望的结果。本研究采用多层次的理论方法,探讨了 SR 结构的制度化(SR 愿景和战略计划、道德准则和 SR 单位)与通过员工关系衡量的内部 SR 之间的关系。研究结果表明,非营利组织中社会责任结构的存在可以改善雇主和雇员之间的关系,这通过提高薪酬、工作条件和雇员保护计划来体现。然而,与营利性组织相比,结构特性对非营利组织的影响较小。