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Expanding Science Learning for Students With Complex Support Needs: A Case Study
Remedial and Special Education ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-28 , DOI: 10.1177/07419325231225441
Carly A. Roberts 1 , Elizabeth H. Saliba 1 , Erin M. Stewart 1

There is an expanding body of research focused on exploring inclusive science learning for students with complex support needs. The aim of this qualitative case study was to explore how a research partnership focused on expanding inclusive science learning for students with complex support needs (CSN) could support the learning of a focal student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and his general education and special education teachers. We framed the study using critical inclusion and expansive learning frameworks to explore how a new expansive learning space, science-as-practice, was created and supported the learning of both the focal learner and his teachers. Findings suggest that the flexible learning contexts, across and within both his general education and special education classrooms, supported the focal learner in engaging meaningfully in science learning. Furthermore, evidence of his learning helped expand his teachers’ views of science learning for students with CSN.



越来越多的研究致力于为有复杂支持需求的学生探索包容性科学学习。这个定性案例研究的目的是探讨专注于为具有复杂支持需求(CSN)的学生扩展包容性科学学习的研究伙伴关系如何支持患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的重点学生的学习及其普通教育和特殊教育教育教师。我们使用批判性包容性和扩展性学习框架来构建这项研究,以探索如何创建一个新的扩展学习空间,即科学作为实践,并支持重点学习者及其老师的学习。研究结果表明,普通教育和特殊教育课堂中灵活的学习环境支持重点学习者有意义地参与科学学习。此外,他的学习证据有助于扩大老师对 CSN 学生科学学习的看法。