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Quantifying Americanization: Coverage of American Topics in Different Wikipedias
Social Science Computer Review ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-02 , DOI: 10.1177/08944393231220165
Piotr Konieczny 1 , Włodzimierz Lewoniewski 2

As one of the most popular sources of information in the world, Wikipedia is edited by a large, global community of contributors. User-generated nature of this online encyclopedia ensures that the information reflects a wide range of topics. Hovewer, Wikipedia articles are created and edited independently in each language version. Therefore, some topics may be presented with varying degrees of completeness depending on their importance in a particular language community. In this paper, we quantified the concept of Americanization on a global scale through comparative analysis of the coverage of American topics in different language versions of Wikipedia. For this purpose, we analyzed over 90 million Wikidata items and 40 million Wikipedia articles in 58 languages. We discussed whether Americanization is more or less dominant in different languages, regions, and cultures. We showed that the interest in American topics is not universal. Western, developed countries are more Americanized (more interested in topics related to America) than the rest of the world. This is the first global, quantitative confirmation of issues often hypothesized, or assumed, in the literature on Americanization and related phenomena. This study shows that Wikipedia and Wikidata can allow quantification of social science concepts that previously were considered not realistically measurable. Finally, the presented research is also relevant to the discourses on the biases of Wikipedia.



作为世界上最受欢迎的信息来源之一,维基百科由庞大的全球贡献者社区编辑。该在线百科全书的用户生成性质确保了信息反映了广泛的主题。然而,维基百科文章在每种语言版本中都是独立创建和编辑的。因此,某些主题可能会根据其在特定语言社区中的重要性而以不同程度的完整性呈现。在本文中,我们通过比较分析不同语言版本的维基百科对美国主题的覆盖范围,在全球范围内量化了美国化的概念。为此,我们分析了 58 种语言的超过 9000 万个维基数据项和 4000 万篇维基百科文章。我们讨论了美国化在不同语言、地区和文化中是否或多或少占据主导地位。我们表明,对美国话题的兴趣并不普遍。西方发达国家比世界其他国家更加美国化(对与美国相关的话题更感兴趣)。这是对美国化及相关现象文献中经常假设或假设的问题的首次全球定量确认。这项研究表明,维基百科和维基数据可以量化以前被认为无法实际测量的社会科学概念。最后,所提出的研究也与维基百科偏见的论述相关。