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Foreign language anxiety and self-disclosure in online university French classes
Language Teaching Research ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-29 , DOI: 10.1177/13621688231221392
Mark Tutton 1 , Doron L. Cohen 2

This article presents a small-scale study of students with medium to high levels of foreign language anxiety (FLA) enrolled in synchronous, online French classes at an Australian university. We conducted in-depth, semistructured interviews with 10 such students, focusing specifically on their experience with speaking activities and their perceptions of questions requiring self-disclosure that are routinely asked in foreign language classes. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. The findings reveal that students overwhelmingly prefer the physical classroom to the online environment, and that this is largely due to increased possibilities for easier interaction with fellow students. In addition, these students were all at ease with disclosing low-level personal information in class. This suggests that the social nature of language learning is a key feature of a positive second language (L2) learning experience. Second, all students had strategies in place to mitigate the negative effects of their FLA. These included not only preparation strategies (e.g. anticipating questions and preparing responses in advance) but also the use of technology (e.g. Google Translate and other online resources). We therefore suggest that low-level self-disclosure does not negatively impact students with moderate to high levels of FLA, and that technological tools provide useful scaffolds to support their learning and mitigate the negative effects of their FLA.



本文介绍了一项针对在澳大利亚大学参加同步在线法语课程的具有中度至高度外语焦虑 (FLA) 的学生的小规模研究。我们对 10 名这样的学生进行了深入的半结构化访谈,特别关注他们的口语活动经验以及他们对外语课堂上经常提出的需要自我披露的问题的看法。使用主题分析来分析数据。调查结果显示,与网络环境相比,学生绝大多数更喜欢实体课堂,这很大程度上是因为与同学互动的可能性增加。此外,这些学生都乐于在课堂上透露低级个人信息。这表明语言学习的社会本质是积极的第二语言(L2)学习体验的一个关键特征。其次,所有学生都制定了减轻 FLA 负面影响的策略。这些不仅包括准备策略(例如预测问题和提前准备答复),还包括技术的使用(例如谷歌翻译和其他在线资源)。因此,我们建议,低水平的自我表露不会对 FLA 水平为中等到高的学生产生负面影响,并且技术工具提供有用的支架来支持他们的学习并减轻 FLA 的负面影响。