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Historical Legacies and Their Impact on Human Capital: Comparing Regions within Romania
East European Politics and Societies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-20 , DOI: 10.1177/08883254231219015
Gabriel Bădescu 1 , Daniela Angi 1 , Jozsef Benedek 1 , Sorana Constantinescu 1

This article asks if the measures of human capital, ethnic diversity, and gender equality from 1930 explain current levels of human capital in Romania, while also assessing the role of macro-regional differences in the manifestation of historical legacies. We focus on human capital, measured by educational attainment and by conscientiousness, a personality trait we estimate using a behavioral measure. The analysis is based on a recent large-scale national survey from 2019–2020 and census data from 1930. We find that contemporary human capital levels are influenced by a combination of factors, including historical human capital levels, ethnic diversity, and gender equality. Additionally, we show that the long-term impact of these factors can vary by region. Specifically, our study identifies four distinct long-term effects within the historical region of Transylvania and two in the rest of the country. In Transylvania, the present educational attainment is shaped by both the 1930 literacy rate and gender equality, while in the other regions, only the literacy rate exerts a statistically significant influence. Similarly, when it comes to current levels of conscientiousness, Transylvania’s levels are affected by both the 1930 literacy rate and ethnolinguistic fractionalization, whereas in the rest of the country, only ethnolinguistic fractionalization has a statistically significant impact.



本文询问 1930 年以来的人力资本、种族多样性和性别平等指标是否可以解释罗马尼亚目前的人力资本水平,同时评估宏观区域差异在历史遗产表现中的作用。我们关注人力资本,通过教育程度和责任心来衡量,责任心是我们使用行为测量来估计的人格特质。该分析基于最近的 2019-2020 年大规模全国调查和 1930 年的人口普查数据。我们发现,当代人力资本水平受到多种因素的影响,包括历史人力资本水平、种族多样性和性别平等。此外,我们发现这些因素的长期影响可能因地区而异。具体来说,我们的研究确定了特兰西瓦尼亚历史地区的四种不同的长期影响以及该国其他地区的两种影响。在特兰西瓦尼亚,目前的教育程度受到 1930 年识字率和性别平等的影响,而在其他地区,只有识字率发挥着统计上的显着影响。同样,就目前的责任心水平而言,特兰西瓦尼亚的水平同时受到 1930 年识字率和民族语言分化的影响,而在该国其他地区,只有民族语言分化具有统计上的显着影响。