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‘Brazil must be a country for entrepreneurs and workers, not scoundrels’: Personal branding mechanisms underpinning CEO activism
Human Relations ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-19 , DOI: 10.1177/00187267241229036
Amon Barros 1 , Benjamin Rosenthal 1 , Caio Coelho 2 , Bruno Leandro 1

Chief executive officer (CEO) activism literature primarily explores issues in which CEOs engage, and its consequences for consumers and employees. However, a glaring gap lies in how CEOs engage in activism, particularly, through social media. Our study aims to bridge this gap by analyzing the online identity of Luciano Hang, a Brazilian CEO, activist, and billionaire, focusing on the crafting of Hang’s online identity, particularly on Instagram, using five personal branding mechanisms to influence broad sociopolitical issues. Hang’s unique case offers a lens for right-wing CEO activism, contrasting with mostly progressive cases in the western contexts. Using critical visual analysis to decode the Instagram content posted by Hang, who actively advocates for political conservatism, entrepreneurism, and economic liberalism, we find that CEO activists do not merely speak on specific issues, but carefully construct their online identity aligning with or challenging social norms and values. Our research extends the understanding of CEO activism by revealing its heterogeneous nature and connecting organization studies and marketing, in addition to demonstrating how CEOs can leverage personal branding to portray themselves as activists.



首席执行官 (CEO) 激进主义文献主要探讨首席执行官参与的问题及其对消费者和员工的影响。然而,一个明显的差距在于首席执行官如何参与激进主义,特别是通过社交媒体。我们的研究旨在通过分析巴西首席执行官、活动家和亿万富翁 Luciano Hang 的在线身份来弥合这一差距,重点关注 Hang 在线身份的塑造,特别是在 Instagram 上,使用五种个人品牌机制来影响广泛的社会政治问题。与西方背景下大多进步的案例相比,杭的独特案例为右翼首席执行官的激进主义提供了一个视角。杭积极倡导政治保守主义、企业家精神和经济自由主义,通过批判性视觉分析来解码他在 Instagram 上发布的内容,我们发现,CEO 积极分子不仅就具体问题发表言论,而且还仔细构建与社会相符或挑战社会的在线身份。规范和价值观。我们的研究通过揭示首席执行官激进主义的异质性并将组织研究与营销联系起来,扩展了对首席执行官激进主义的理解,此外还展示了首席执行官如何利用个人品牌将自己描绘成激进分子。