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A 10.8鈥14.5-GHz Eight-Phase 12.5%-Duty-Cycle Nonoverlapping LO Generator With Automatic Phase-and-Duty-Cycle Calibration
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-19 , DOI: 10.1109/jssc.2024.3364668
Khoi T. Phan 1 , Yang Gao 1 , Howard C. Luong 1

A 10.8–14.5-GHz eight-phase 12.5%-duty-cycle nonoverlapping LO generator is proposed for 60-GHz eight-path-filtering subsampling receivers. A four-stage ring oscillator (RO) is followed by reconfigurable injection-locked-oscillator NOR gates to generate eight-phase 12.5%-duty-cycle signals featuring automatic successive phase calibration and automatic frequency-domain duty-cycle calibration. The generator prototype measures minimum phase errors of ~0.1° and maximum fourth-harmonic output power of −5 dBm with >30-dB improvement while consuming 77.8 mW from a 1-V supply over the entire frequency tuning range from 10.8 to 14.5 GHz.


具有自动相位和占空比校准功能的 10.8”14.5-GHz 八相 12.5% 占空比非重叠 LO 发生器

建议为 60 GHz 八路滤波子采样接收器使用 10.8–14.5 GHz 八相 12.5% 占空比非重叠 LO 发生器。四级环形振荡器 (RO) 后面是可重新配置的注入锁定振荡器或非门,可生成八相 12.5% 占空比信号,具有自动连续相位校准和自动频域占空比校准功能。该发生器原型测量的最小相位误差约为 0.1°,最大四次谐波输出功率为 −5 dBm,改善了 >30-dB,同时在 10.8 至 14.5 GHz 的整个频率调谐范围内,1V 电源消耗 77.8 mW。