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Anthropomorphism and Affective Perception: Dimensions, Measurements, and Interdependencies in Aerial Robotics
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-04 , DOI: 10.1109/taffc.2024.3349858
Viviane Herdel 1 , Anastasia Kuzminykh 2 , Yisrael Parmet 1 , Jessica R. Cauchard 1

Assigning lifelike qualities to robotic agents (Anthropomorphism) is associated with complex affective interpretations of their behavior. These anthropomorphized perceptions are traditionally elicited through robots’ designs. Yet, aerial robots (or drones) present a special case due to their – traditionally – non-anthropomorphic design, and prior research shows conflicting evidence on their perception as either person-like, animal-like, or machine-like. In this article, we explore how people perceive drones in a cross-dimensional space between these three dimensions by varying the affective state presented on the drone. To capture these perceptions, we developed a novel measurement instrument AnZoMa . We describe the design, use, and deployment of the instrument in an online study ( $N$ =98). The study results suggest that different drone emotions triggered people to attribute various characteristics to the drone (e.g., interaction metaphors, traits, and features) and variations in acceptability of drone affective states. These results demonstrate the interdependencies between affective perceptions and anthropomorphism of drones. We conclude by discussing the necessity to integrate cross-dimensional perception of anthropomorphism in human-drone interaction and affective computing. This work contributes a novel tool to measure the dimensions and gravity of anthropomorphism and insights into interdependencies between different affective states displayed on drones and their anthropomorphized perception.



为机器人代理赋予逼真的品质(拟人化)与其行为的复杂情感解释相关。这些拟人化的感知传统上是通过机器人的设计引发的。然而,空中机器人(或无人机)由于其传统上的非拟人化设计而呈现出一种特殊情况,并且先前的研究表明,关于它们是类人、类动物还是类机器的感知的证据相互矛盾。在本文中,我们通过改变无人机上呈现的情感状态来探索人们如何在这三个维度之间的跨维度空间中感知无人机。为了捕捉这些感知,我们开发了一种新型测量仪器AnZoMa 。我们在在线研究中描述了该仪器的设计、使用和部署($N$=98)。研究结果表明,不同的无人机情绪触发人们将不同的特征归因于无人机(例如,交互隐喻、特征和特征)以及无人机情感状态可接受性的变化。这些结果证明了无人机的情感感知和拟人化之间的相互依赖性。最后,我们讨论了将拟人化的跨维度感知整合到人机交互和情感计算中的必要性。这项工作提供了一种新的工具来衡量拟人化的维度和重力,并深入了解无人机上显示的不同情感状态及其拟人化感知之间的相互依赖性。