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A Dual-Path Transformer-Based Multiband Power Amplifier for mm-Wave 5G Applications
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1109/jssc.2023.3344073
Mohammad Ali Mokri 1 , Soodeh Miraslani 1 , Md Aminul Hoque 1 , Deukhyoun Heo 1

This article presents a dual-band power amplifier for 28 and 39 GHz frequency bands based on a new dual-path transformer (DPT). This DPT can provide two optimum inductive values at two different frequency bands to optimally design the matching networks for each band without using any switch circuitries. It operates as the output and input matching networks in a parallel power combiner and divider, respectively. DPT-based PA breaks the trade-off between bandwidth and performance in conventional wideband PAs by separating one whole wideband into two narrow bands providing optimum input and output matchings for each band. The DPT-based PA has two input and two output ports. One set of input and output ports is dedicated to a lower frequency band and the other set of input and outport ports can be used for a higher frequency band. Each output port can drive a separate antenna in a phased array for each frequency band. The proposed PA prototype is fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process achieving 15.3 and 14.0 dBm of saturated output power in 28 and 39 GHz. The peak efficiency of the PA is 34.1% and 30.2% at 28 and 39 GHz frequency bands. The PA has a measured EVM with 64-QAM modulated signal in both frequency bands showing −25.03 and −25.10 dB in the low and higher frequency bands, respectively.


适用于毫米波 5G 应用的基于双路变压器的多频段功率放大器

本文介绍了一种基于新型双路径变压器 (DPT) 的 28 和 39 GHz 频段双频段功率放大器。该DPT可以在两个不同频段提供两个最佳电感值,从而在不使用任何开关电路的情况下优化设计每个频段的匹配网络。它分别用作并联功率合成器和分配器中的输出和输入匹配网络。基于 DPT 的 PA 通过将整个宽带分成两个窄带,为每个频带提供最佳的输入和输出匹配,从而打破了传统宽带 PA 中带宽和性能之间的权衡。基于 DPT 的 PA 有两个输入端口和两个输出端口。一组输入和输出端口专用于较低频带,另一组输入和输出端口可用于较高频带。每个输出端口可以为每个频段驱动相控阵中的单独天线。所提出的 PA 原型采用 65 nm CMOS 工艺制造,在 28 和 39 GHz 下实现 15.3 和 14.0 dBm 的饱和输出功率。 PA 的峰值效率在 28 和 39 GHz 频段分别为 34.1% 和 30.2%。 PA 的测量 EVM 在两个频段均采用 64-QAM 调制信号,在低频段和高频段分别显示为 -25.03 和 -25.10 dB。