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Hardware Security for Internet of Things Identity Assurance
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials ( IF 34.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-17 , DOI: 10.1109/comst.2024.3355168
André Cirne 1 , Patrícia R. Sousa 2 , João S. Resende 1 , Luís Antunes 1

With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, there is an increasing need to prioritize their security, especially in the context of identity and authentication mechanisms. However, IoT devices have unique limitations in terms of computational capabilities and susceptibility to hardware attacks, which pose significant challenges to establishing strong identity and authentication systems. Paradoxically, the very hardware constraints responsible for these challenges can also offer potential solutions. By incorporating hardware-based identity implementations, it is possible to overcome computational and energy limitations, while bolstering resistance against both hardware and software attacks. This research addresses these challenges by investigating the vulnerabilities and obstacles faced by identity and authentication systems in the IoT context, while also exploring potential technologies to address these issues. Each identified technology underwent meticulous investigation, considering known security attacks, implemented countermeasures, and an assessment of their pros and cons. Furthermore, an extensive literature survey was conducted to identify instances where these technologies have effectively supported device identity. The research also includes a demonstration that evaluates the effectiveness of hardware trust anchors in mitigating various attacks on IoT identity. This empirical evaluation provides valuable insights into the challenges developers encounter when implementing hardware-based identity solutions. Moreover, it underscores the substantial value of these solutions in terms of mitigating attacks and developing robust identity frameworks. By thoroughly examining vulnerabilities, exploring technologies, and conducting empirical evaluations, this research contributes to understanding and promoting the adoption of hardware-based identity and authentication systems in secure IoT environments. The findings emphasize the challenges faced by developers and highlight the significance of hardware trust anchors in enhancing security and facilitating effective identity solutions.



随着物联网 (IoT) 设备的激增,越来越需要优先考虑其安全性,特别是在身份和身份验证机制方面。然而,物联网设备在计算能力和对硬件攻击的敏感性方面具有独特的局限性,这对建立强大的身份和认证系统构成了重大挑战。矛盾的是,造成这些挑战的硬件限制也可以提供潜在的解决方案。通过结合基于硬件的身份实现,可以克服计算和能源限制,同时增强对硬件和软件攻击的抵抗力。这项研究通过调查物联网环境中身份和认证系统面临的漏洞和障碍来解决这些挑战,同时还探索解决这些问题的潜在技术。每项已识别的技术都经过了细致的调查,考虑了已知的安全攻击、实施的对策以及对其优缺点的评估。此外,还进行了广泛的文献调查,以确定这些技术有效支持设备身份的实例。该研究还包括评估硬件信任锚在减轻对物联网身份的各种攻击方面的有效性的演示。这一实证评估为开发人员在实施基于硬件的身份解决方案时遇到的挑战提供了宝贵的见解。此外,它强调了这些解决方案在减轻攻击和开发强大的身份框架方面的巨大价值。 通过彻底检查漏洞、探索技术和进行实证评估,这项研究有助于理解和促进在安全物联网环境中采用基于硬件的身份和认证系统。调查结果强调了开发人员面临的挑战,并强调了硬件信任锚在增强安全性和促进有效的身份解决方案方面的重要性。