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The impact of parental benefits on disadvantaged households
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-19 , DOI: 10.1002/pam.22583
Nathalie Havet 1 , Guy Lacroix 2 , Morgane Plantier 3

Over the past 25 years, the Government of Quebec (Canada) has introduced a number of relatively novel policies aimed at fighting poverty such as the Universal Child Care Program (UCCP) in 1997 and the Quebec Parental Insurance Program (QPIP) in 2006. Since its inception, the QPIP has provided a means-tested supplementary benefits scheme for disadvantaged households. The scheme yields a well-defined kink in the benefits schedule with respect to two entirely exogenous criteria. Using the QPIP administrative data files from 2006 to 2017, we estimate the causal impact of the supplemental benefits on leave duration and participation of poor households within a sharp Regression Kink Design (RKD) approach. Our results indicate that single mothers are relatively responsive to additional benefits. Conversely, partnered mothers are not found to respond to the supplemental benefits, irrespective of fathers’ own participation in the parental leave. The Canadian government is currently considering introducing a similar parental leave program. Our results may prove useful for the design of the program.



在过去的 25 年里,加拿大魁北克政府推出了一系列相对新颖的旨在消除贫困的政策,例如 1997 年的全民儿童保育计划 (UCCP) 和 2006 年的魁北克家长保险计划 (QPIP)。自成立以来,QPIP 为弱势家庭提供了一项经过经济情况调查的补充福利计划。该计划在福利计划中对两个完全外生的标准产生了明确的扭结。使用 2006 年至 2017 年 QPIP 行政数据文件,我们采用锐回归扭结设计 (RKD) 方法估计了补充福利对贫困家庭休假时间和参与度的因果影响。我们的结果表明,单亲母亲对额外福利的反应相对较快。相反,无论父亲本人是否参与育儿假,有伴侣的母亲都不会回应补充福利。加拿大政府目前正在考虑推出类似的育儿假计划。我们的结果可能对程序的设计有用。