Research in Science Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s11165-024-10156-7 Ifeyinwa Uke , Jazlin Ebenezer , Osman Nafiz Kaya
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This mixed-methods research study aimed to observe the changes in relational conceptual changes and achievement in photosynthesis and cellular respiration in 15 seventh-grade students using the variation theory of learning, a framework for contextual distinctions, and supports the Common Knowledge Construction Model (CKCM) for science education. The strategy used was prediction-observation-explanation, where students wrote and drew to express their macroscopic and sub-microscopic concepts, depicting any changes. Pre- and post-assessment tests were given to measure achievement in science. Through phenomenography analysis, five descriptive categories were generated for photosynthesis and nine for cellular respiration, revealing variations within and between students' ideas. Statistical tests showed significant improvements (p < .001) in photosynthesis and cellular respiration knowledge after implementing the CKCM learning sequence, with scores increasing from 37 to 77% and 33% to 72%, respectively. These findings suggest that inquiry-based learning based on relational conceptual change, guided by variation theory and an understanding of the nature of science, can lead to a deeper understanding of scientific explanations and improve overall science achievement.

这项混合方法的研究旨在使用学习变异理论(上下文区分框架)来观察 15 名七年级学生在光合作用和细胞呼吸方面的相关概念变化和成就的变化,并支持常识构建模型 (CKCM) )用于科学教育。采用的策略是预测-观察-解释,学生通过书写和绘画来表达宏观和亚微观的概念,描绘任何变化。进行预评估和后评估测试来衡量科学成就。通过现象学分析,生成了五个用于光合作用的描述性类别和九个用于细胞呼吸的描述性类别,揭示了学生想法内部和之间的差异。统计测试显示,实施 CKCM 学习序列后,光合作用和细胞呼吸知识有了显着改善 ( p < .001),分数分别从 37% 增加到 77%,从 33% 增加到 72%。这些发现表明,基于关系概念变化的探究式学习,以变异理论和对科学本质的理解为指导,可以加深对科学解释的理解,提高整体科学成就。