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Deadwood position matters: Diversity and biomass of saproxylic beetles in a temperate beech forest
Forest Ecosystems ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100174
Václav Zumr , Oto Nakládal , Josef Gallo , Jiří Remeš

Deadwood plays a key role for biodiversity in forests. A significant number of beetles from this group are currently listed as endangered in the Red List. In addition to other management recommendations, there have been recent efforts to enrich stands with dead wood to promote biodiversity. An important parameter for forestry enterprises is the optimization of these interventions. The study investigated the abundance, species richness, gamma diversity, conservation value and biomass of saproxylic beetles in natural forests using window traps. A total of 89 traps were used for saproxylic beetle monitoring, of which 29 were placed on lying logs, 30 on snags and 30 as controls in forest stand space. A total of 35,011 beetles were recorded in 564 species (61 families). Notably, 20,515 of these belong to saproxylic beetles (59%) in 311 species (55%), with 62 classified as Red-List species (20%). In the group of ‘all saproxylic beetles’, the results indicate that diversity and γ diversity ( = 0) remain consistent across various deadwood types, while diversity showed significant differences. Significant differences were found in the Red-List species group, where diversity and diversity differed, with higher values observed in snags. Rarefaction based total species richness of site was estimated to 391 species, including 74 Red-Listed species. Comparing the sample coverage of the studied stand categories showed that all saproxylic species exhibit a pronounced preference for inhabiting areas featuring lying logs. Conversely, Red-List species mainly inhabit snags, with β diversity being more similar to snags and forest stand space. Notably, both the conservation value (weighted average by conservation status) and beetle biomass are significantly highest in snags, whereas stand space show the lowest values across all measured saproxylic beetle indices. Furthermore, the use of traps set on the poles in forest stand space resulted in an underestimation of the actual stand richness by 20%–25%. Our results support the conclusion that snags are indispensable feature in beech forests, playing a key role in promoting high species diversity, especially among Red-List species, and supporting the biomass of saproxylic beetles. Consequently, it becomes crucial to incorporate a higher percentage of standing deadwood in managed forests or actively create equivalent environments by introducing high stumps.



枯木对森林生物多样性起着关键作用。该类甲虫中的大量甲虫目前被列入红色名录中的濒危物种。除了其他管理建议外,最近还采取了一些措施,利用枯木来丰富林分,以促进生物多样性。林业企业的一个重要参数是这些干预措施的优化。该研究利用窗口陷阱调查了天然森林中腐木甲虫的丰度、物种丰富度、伽马多样性、保护价值和生物量。总共使用了 89 个诱捕器来监测腐木甲虫,其中 29 个放置在原木上,30 个放置在障碍物上,30 个作为林分空间的对照。总共记录了 564 种(61 科)35,011 只甲虫。值得注意的是,其中 311 种 (55%) 中有 20,515 种属于腐木甲虫 (59%),其中 62 种被列为红色名录物种 (20%)。在“所有腐木甲虫”群体中,结果表明,各种枯木类型的多样性和 γ 多样性 (= 0) 保持一致,而多样性则表现出显着差异。在红色名录物种组中发现了显着差异,其中多样性和多样性不同,在断枝中观察到更高的值。根据稀疏度,该地点的总物种丰富度估计为 391 种,其中包括 74 种红色名录物种。比较所研究的林分类别的样本覆盖率表明,所有腐木物种都表现出对以平躺原木为特征的栖息地的明显偏好。相反,红色名录物种主要栖息于障碍物中,β多样性与障碍物和林分空间更相似。值得注意的是,障碍物中的保护价值(按保护状态加权平均值)和甲虫生物量均显着最高,而林分空间在所有测量的腐木甲虫指数中显示出最低值。此外,在森林林分空间的杆子上设置陷阱的使用导致实际林分丰富度被低估了20%–25%。我们的结果支持这样的结论:障碍物是山毛榉森林中不可或缺的特征,在促进物种多样性(特别是红色名录物种)和支持腐木甲虫的生物量方面发挥着关键作用。因此,在管理森林中纳入更高比例的直立枯木或通过引入高树桩积极创造同等环境变得至关重要。