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Multiple reference points of commute time in commute satisfaction
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104115
Fenglong Wang , Yuya Zheng , Chunyan Cai , Shixiao Hao , Wenjie Wu

Commute time is an important determinant of commute satisfaction. However, commuters may perceive the same length of commute differently and adopt different standards (reference points) to evaluate their commute time. This paper explores the effects of commute time discrepancies relative to four reference points on commute satisfaction based on a survey in Guangzhou, China. The reference points include ideal commute time (ICT), acceptable commute time (ACT), comparison other’s commute time (COCT), and non-congested commute time (NCCT). We find that the gaps between actual commute time and the four reference points are all important for commute satisfaction, though ICT and ACT seem to be more salient reference points in evaluating commute satisfaction. Our analysis also confirms the loss aversion phenomenon, as the effect sizes of loss variables tend to be larger than those of gain variables. The effects on satisfaction with commute to and from work are also different.