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The strategic value of DEI in the information systems discipline
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsis.2024.101823
Marco Marabelli , Yolande E. Chan

Triggered by events such as the murder of George Floyd, the last few years have witnessed the revival of the Black Lives Matter movement, the #metoo movement and other collective initiatives that support LGBTQ + communities and other historically disadvantaged groups. At the same time, the widespread and still growing capabilities of automated systems for decision-making – such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the more recent generative AI (GAI) – have surfaced a multitude of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) issues in various organizational and social settings. In this editorial, we lay out ideas on how the IS community can react, make an important difference, and offer substantial theoretical and practical contributions to social justice. We also provide guidance to prospective authors whose research concerns the consideration of DEI issues in the strategic design, deployment and use in practice of information systems with embedded emerging, automated, algorithmic-based technologies.


DEI 在信息系统学科中的战略价值

在乔治·弗洛伊德被谋杀等事件的触发下,过去几年见证了“黑人生命也是命”运动、#metoo 运动以及其他支持 LGBTQ+ 社区和其他历史弱势群体的集体倡议的复兴。与此同时,广泛且仍在不断增长的自动化决策系统的能力——例如人工智能 (AI) 和最近的生成式人工智能 (GAI)——已经浮现出众多 DEI(多样性、公平性和包容性)问题在各种组织和社会环境中。在这篇社论中,我们提出了关于 IS 社区如何做出反应、发挥重要作用以及为社会正义提供实质性理论和实践贡献的想法。我们还为未来的作者提供指导,他们的研究涉及在具有嵌入式新兴、自动化、基于算法的技术的信息系统的战略设计、部署和使用实践中考虑 DEI 问题。