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Synthesis of high-crystallinity Zeolite A from rare earth tailings: Investigating adsorption performance on typical pollutants in rare earth mines
Journal of Hazardous Materials ( IF 12.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.133730
Jiancheng Cheng 1 , Xinlong Hua 1 , Guihai Zhang 1 , Mengqin Yu 1 , Zhu Wang 1 , Yalan Zhang 1 , Wei Liu 1 , Yuejin Chen 1 , Huiming Wang 2 , Yidan Luo 3 , Xuechao Hou 4 , Xianchuan Xie 5

The ecological restoration of rare earth mines and the management of rare earth tailings have consistently posed global challenges, constraining the development of the rare earth industry. In this study, Zeolite A is efficiently prepared from the tailings of an ion-type rare earth mine in the southern Jiangxi Province of China. The resulting Zeolite A boasts exceptional qualities, including high crystallinity, a substantial specific surface area, and robust thermal stability. The optimum conditions for Zeolite synthesis are experimental determination and the adsorption properties of Zeolite A for typical pollutants (Cd, Cu, NH, PO and F) in rare earth mines. The synthesised Zeolite A material is found to have strong adsorption properties. The adsorption mechanism is mainly cation exchange, and the priority of adsorption of pollutants is Cu> Cd > NH > PO > F. Notably the sodium Zeolite A material synthesized at room temperature can be effectively recycled multiple times. In summary, we propose a method to synthesise low cost and high adsorption zeolites using rare earth tailings. This will facilitate the reduction of rare earth tailings and the rehabilitation of rare earth mines. Our method has great potential as a rehabilitation technology for rare earth mines.