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Copper-crosslinked carbon dot hydrogel nanozyme for colorimetric - tert-butylhydroquinone biosensing and smartphone-assisted visual ratiometric assay
Journal of Hazardous Materials ( IF 12.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.133795
Wenfang Fan 1 , Luohua Guo 1 , Yun Qu 1 , Qianfen Zhuang 1 , Yong Wang 2

Due to the potential environment and health risks of tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), rapid, portable, selective and sensitive quantification of TBHQ in food and the environment are strictly essential. With this in mind, a selective, sensitive and rapid colorimetric TBHQ biosensor was developed using rationally designed copper-crosslinked carbon dot hydrogel nanozyme (BC-CDs@Cu). The BC-CDs@Cu had a high peroxidase-like activity toward the chromogenic reaction of hydrogen peroxide with dopamine via the generation of hydroxyl radicals and electron transfer process. The Michaelis-Menten constants of BC-CDs@Cu for dopamine and hydrogen peroxide were determined to be 0.86 and 0.91 mM. The added TBHQ markedly inhibited the BC-CDs@Cu-catalyzed dopamine oxidation by hydrogen peroxide, ascribing to the highly effective and rapid scavenging of hydroxyl radicals and the suppression of electron transfer. The inhibitory extent was applied for well quantifying TBHQ in the range of 0.5 − 20.0 μM with a detection limit of 70 nM. The proposed biosensor had a negligible response to various interfering substances. Moreover, a smartphone-assisted visual ratiometric biosensor was fabricated, and used to accomplish portable quantification of TBHQ in edible oils and water samples. This work reveals the enormous potential of hydrogel nanozyme, which will open a new situation for the detection of hazardous substances.


用于比色 - 叔丁基对苯二酚生物传感和智能手机辅助视觉比率测定的铜交联碳点水凝胶纳米酶

由于叔丁基对苯二酚 (TBHQ) 的潜在环境和健康风险,快速、便携、选择性和灵敏地定量食品和环境中的 TBHQ 是绝对必要的。考虑到这一点,使用合理设计的铜交联碳点水凝胶纳米酶 (BC-CDs@Cu) 开发了一种选择性、灵敏和快速的比色 TBHQ 生物传感器。BC-CDs@Cu 通过羟基自由基的产生和电子转移过程,对过氧化氢与多巴胺的显色反应具有高过氧化物酶样活性。多巴胺和过氧化氢的 BC-CDs@Cu 的 Michaelis-Menten 常数测定为 0.86 和 0.91 mM。添加的 TBHQ 显着抑制了 BC CDs@Cu催化的过氧化氢对多巴胺的氧化,这归因于高效和快速的羟基自由基清除和电子转移的抑制。抑制程度用于在 0.5 − 20.0 μM 范围内对 TBHQ 进行良好定量,检测限为 70 nM。所提出的生物传感器对各种干扰物质的响应可以忽略不计。此外,还制造了智能手机辅助的视觉比率生物传感器,用于完成食用油和水样品中 TBHQ 的便携式定量。这项工作揭示了水凝胶纳米酶的巨大潜力,这将为有害物质的检测开辟新的局面。