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Evolution of the impact of social media in hospitality: A bibliometric analysis
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2024.100868
Miguel Ángel Sánchez Jiménez , Diego Gómez Carmona , María Moral Moral

The emergence and rise of social media have affected how companies address consumers, taking particular relevance in some sectors, such as hospitality. Despite this importance in the research literature, there needs to be more delimitation and understanding of social media's impact, specifically in the hospitality sector. Thus, this paper objective to learn about the evolution of social media research in hospitality and identify the main themes of interest in this research field. To this end, bibliometric analysis has been carried out using SciMAT software of 985 papers published from 2009 to March 31, 2023, on the Web of Science (WoS) platform referring to this research field. The main results show the relationship between user-generated and shared content and consumer satisfaction, particularly relevant to the hotel sector. In management and marketing in the hospitality sector, the focus on innovation and the implementation of new destination-oriented technologies stand out. It is also worth mentioning the relevance of engagement oriented to social networks related to the experiences and behaviour of consumers.



社交媒体的出现和兴起影响了公司与消费者打交道的方式,特别是在酒店业等某些行业。尽管在研究文献中具有重要意义,但仍需要对社交媒体的影响进行更多的界定和理解,特别是在酒店业。因此,本文的目的是了解酒店业社交媒体研究的演变,并确定该研究领域感兴趣的主要主题。为此,利用SciMAT软件对Web of Science(WoS)平台上2009年至2023年3月31日发表的涉及该研究领域的985篇论文进行了文献计量分析。主要结果显示了用户生成和共享的内容与消费者满意度之间的关系,特别是与酒店行业相关。在酒店业的管理和营销中,对创新和以目的地为导向的新技术的实施的关注尤为突出。还值得一提的是,面向社交网络的参与度与消费者的体验和行为相关。