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Factors influencing seniors’ switching to m-government services: A mixed-methods study through the lens of push-pull-mooring framework
Information & Management ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2024.103928
Zhongyun Zhou , Taotao Pan , Qun Zhao , Xinyan Cheng , Depeng Wang

Based on the push-pull-mooring framework, this study applies mixed methods to examine the key factors affecting seniors’ switching from offline to m-government services. A qualitative study was conducted to identify five factors of the push-pull-mooring framework, and a subsequent quantitative study used a hybrid SEM-ANN method to analyze data from 345 senior Chinese users. Results showed that transparency greatly impacts seniors’ satisfaction with m-government services. Perceived inefficiency significantly affects dissatisfaction with offline services, and inertia increases switching costs. However, perceived government investment does not significantly affect seniors’ satisfaction with m-government services. An urban-rural comparison yielded additional findings.