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How Embeddedness Influences IT-Induced Work–Home Boundary Reduction, Work–Home Conflict, and Job Outcomes
Information & Management ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2024.103929
Christoph Weinert , Christian Maier , Sven Laumer , Tim Weitzel

Work–home conflict (WHC) explains how IT use blurs the boundaries between work and private roles. We extend that knowledge by highlighting the importance of work–home embeddedness (WHE) and its impact on WHC. Drawing on boundary theory, we hypothesize that IT-induced work–home boundary reduction (IT-WHBR) exacerbates WHC, influencing job outcomes. Utilizing embeddedness theory and data from 862 individuals, we categorize three distinct WHE groups. Our findings clarify how IT-WHBR shapes WHC and how diverse WHE groups moderate the relationship between IT-WHBR, WHC, and job outcomes. This paper significantly contributes to existing literature by revealing dynamics within work-home interactions.


嵌入性如何影响 IT 引发的工作-家庭界限减少、工作-家庭冲突和工作成果

工作与家庭冲突 (WHC) 解释了 IT 的使用如何模糊了工作和私人角色之间的界限。我们通过强调工作家庭嵌入性 (WHE) 的重要性及其对 WHC 的影响来扩展这一知识。根据边界理论,我们假设 IT 引起的工作与家庭边界减少 (IT-WHBR) 会加剧 WHC,从而影响工作结果。利用嵌入理论和 862 人的数据,我们将 WHE 分为三个不同的群体。我们的研究结果阐明了 IT-WHBR 如何塑造 WHC,以及不同的 WHE 群体如何调节 IT-WHBR、WHC 和工作成果之间的关系。本文通过揭示工作与家庭互动的动态,对现有文献做出了重大贡献。