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Simplicity in joy and detail in anger: Intertwining effect of cognitive and affective review disposition on review helpfulness
Decision Support Systems ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dss.2024.114192
Yicheng Zhang , Xinqi Zhao , Ya Zhou

Review length and readability, are cognitive dispositions of reviews supposed to reflect diagnostic content and lead to favorable evaluation of review helpfulness. However, underlying these two cognitive dispositions of reviews, are discrepancies that make it difficult for a helpful review to simultaneously satisfy both of them. To resolve the discrepancies, this present study, drawn on cognitive tuning theory, proposes and validates the intertwining effect of cognitive dispositions (length and readability) and affective dispositions (joy and anger expression) in judging review helpfulness. Based on analysis of heterogeneous hotel review data, our findings indicate joy expression in reviews, decreased the positive impact of review length on review helpfulness, while enhancing the positive impact of review readability on helpfulness. Anger expression in reviews, shows reverse effects, enhancing the positive impact of review length on helpfulness. Our findings contribute to an in-depth understanding of review characteristics and review helpfulness judgment.


