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Nitrogen use efficiency from manure, fertilizer, and maize root to wheat uptake in a one-year 15N labeling field study
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2024.108931
Liting Liu , Zhen Liu , Zhu Ouyang

Evaluating the contribution of diverse nitrogen (N) sources in agricultural systems is pivotal for optimizing sustainable farming practices. While knowledge exists about the roles of various N sources, there’s limited comprehensive data on the relative contributions of manure compost, fertilizer, and root residues to subsequent plant uptake. A comprehensive field study was conducted in Shandong Province, China, utilizing N labeling techniques to clarify these contributions. Four treatments were established, each incorporating four exogenous nitrogen sources (manure compost + urea + maize root + residual urea) applied concurrently at wheat seeding, with only one source being N labeled per treatment. Additional two treatments served as controls, one without N labelling and another without manure compost. During a wheat growing season, the N contribution from each individual source to subsequent wheat growth was quantified. Manure contributed 10% of the wheat seed N, while urea contributed 18% and maize root contributed 0.3%. Nitrogen recovery in distinct components of the wheat plant (seeds, straw, and roots) was assessed, revealing urea's superior use efficiency within the total wheat biomass at 55%. In contrast, both manure compost and maize root showed a recovery rate of 29%. Although this study spans only one-year, it offers fresh perspectives on the differential contribution and use efficiency of key N sources under field conditions, emphasizing their role in bolstering crop health and productivity for sustainable agriculture.