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NMPC Design for Local Planning of Automated Vehicle with Less Computational Consumption
International Journal of Automotive Technology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s12239-024-00029-3
B. Zhang , P. Fan , S. Tang , F. Gao , S. Zhen

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) is effective for local planning of automated vehicles, especially when there exist dynamical objects and multipe requirements. But it requires many computation resources for numerical optimization, which limits its practical application becase of the limited power of onboard unit. To extend the application range of the NMPC based local planner, the coupled nonlinear vehicle dynamics model is adopted based on the numerical analysis, which conversely requires much more discretization poits for acceptable accuracy. For better computation efficiency, Lagrange polynomials are used to discretize the vehicle dynamics model and objective function with less points and fine numerical accuracy. Furthermore, an adaptive strategy is designed to determine the order of Lagrange polynomials according to running state by numerical analysis of discretization error. Both acceleration effect and performance of the local planner designed by NMPC are validated by experimental tests under scenarios with multiple dynamical obstacles. The test results show that compared with the original one the accuracy and efficiency are improved by 74% and 60%, respectively.


计算消耗较少的自动驾驶车辆局部规划的 NMPC 设计

