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Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance to Support the BizDevOps Approach: a Systematic Mapping Study
Information Systems Frontiers ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10796-024-10473-2
Guillermo Fuentes-Quijada , Francisco Ruiz-González , Angélica Caro

Current software development practices are transforming the governance and management of software projects with the objective of aligning software products/services with business needs, ensuring business continuity, optimizing resource allocation, and fostering strong stakeholder relationships. The innovative BizDevOps approach has emerged as a response to these challenges, since it extends DevOps by incorporating an additional cycle and involving non-IT stakeholders with a focus on business-IT alignment. The application of IT Governance practices is crucial as regards ensuring the success of complex BizDevOps projects, and this paper, therefore, presents a systematic mapping study that explores the approaches for BizDevOps and encourages DevOps proposals that will seamlessly integrate with the business lifecycle. It examines the support provided by IT Governance practices and investigates the potential roles of Enterprise Architecture. The study analyzed 86 primary studies and 11 secondary studies, revealing a lack of empirical validations and a prevalence of recommendation-oriented papers without concrete solution proposals. These findings highlight the need for further research with which to validate BizDevOps practices and provide actionable insights.


支持 BizDevOps 方法的企业架构和 IT 治理:系统映射研究

当前的软件开发实践正在改变软件项目的治理和管理,其目标是使软件产品/服务与业务需求保持一致,确保业务连续性,优化资源分配,并培养牢固的利益相关者关系。创新的 BizDevOps 方法是为了应对这些挑战而出现的,因为它通过纳入额外的周期并让非 IT 利益相关者参与来扩展 DevOps,重点关注业务与 IT 的一致性。 IT 治理实践的应用对于确保复杂的 BizDevOps 项目的成功至关重要,因此本文提出了一项系统的映射研究,探索 BizDevOps 的方法并鼓励与业务生命周期无缝集成的 DevOps 提案。它检查了 IT 治理实践提供的支持并调查了企业架构的潜在作用。该研究分析了 86 项初级研究和 11 项二级研究,揭示了缺乏实证验证以及普遍存在没有具体解决方案建议的推荐型论文。这些发现强调需要进一步研究来验证 BizDevOps 实践并提供可行的见解。
