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How airports enhance the environmental sustainability of operations: A critical review from the perspective of Operations Research
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2024.103440
Shuiwang Chen , Lingxiao Wu , Kam K.H. Ng , Wei Liu , Kun Wang

The escalating demand for air travel has significant environmental implications, such as air pollution and noise nuisance, compelling airports to mitigate their negative impacts on the environment. Operations Research (OR) has played a crucial role in optimizing environment-oriented airport traffic flow management problems, including gate assignment, pushback control, taxi planning, tow vehicles operations, runway scheduling, and aircraft trajectory optimization, to align with airports’ environmental objectives. Despite the thriving body of papers, there is a lack of an inclusive review framework for papers in this field. Therefore, this paper introduces a comprehensive classification framework and conducts a thorough review of the application of OR in addressing environmental concerns. The review identifies prevailing trends, summarizes environmental concerns and methodologies, and presents research agendas. Future studies should prioritize efforts to enhance existing research in terms of modeling and algorithms while also exploring the interdisciplinary incorporation of OR with reinforcement learning and big data analytics, as well as its application in emerging scenarios.



航空旅行需求的不断增长对环境产生了重大影响,例如空气污染和噪音滋扰,迫使机场减轻对环境的负面影响。运筹学 (OR) 在优化面向环境的机场交通流量管理问题方面发挥了至关重要的作用,包括登机口分配、推回控制、出租车规划、拖车操作、跑道调度和飞机轨迹优化,以符合机场的环境目标。尽管论文数量不断增加,但该领域的论文缺乏包容性的审查框架。因此,本文介绍了一个全面的分类框架,并对 OR 在解决环境问题中的应用进行了彻底的回顾。该审查确定了普遍趋势,总结了环境问题和方法,并提出了研究议程。未来的研究应优先加强建模和算法方面的现有研究,同时探索 OR 与强化学习和大数据分析的跨学科结合,及其在新兴场景中的应用。