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Analysing preferences for integrated micromobility and public transport systems: A hierarchical latent class approach considering taste heterogeneity and attribute non-attendance
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2024.103996
Milad Ghasri , Ali Ardeshiri , Xiang Zhang , S. Travis Waller

Shared Micromobility systems in urban regions hold the potential to reduce private vehicle usage and boost public transport patronage. To effectively achieve these goals, a comprehensive approach to integrating micromobility and public transport is essential. This study introduces a novel modelling framework to elicit travellers’ preferences towards the features of integrated shared micromoiblity and public transport systems. The data is obtained from a stated preference survey involving 250 residents in Canberra, Australia. Respondents’ mode choice behaviour and their propensity to switch from their current mode of transport to an integrated system are collected and modelled using a hierarchical latent class approach to account for taste heterogeneity and attribute non-attendance. The results show higher propensity of mode shift is associated with young age, high educational attainment, high scooter ownership and low car ownership. On average, respondents in this study express a willingness to pay of $0.55 for an integrated payment option. These results provide valuable insight into the integrated urban transport systems.



城市地区的共享微交通系统有可能减少私家车的使用并增加公共交通的乘客量。为了有效实现这些目标,整合微型交通和公共交通的综合方法至关重要。本研究引入了一种新颖的建模框架,以激发旅行者对集成共享微交通和公共交通系统特征的偏好。该数据来自一项涉及澳大利亚堪培拉 250 名居民的明确偏好调查。使用分层潜在类别方法收集受访者的模式选择行为以及他们从当前交通模式切换到集成系统的倾向,并对其进行建模,以解释口味异质性和缺勤属性。结果显示,较高的模式转变倾向与年轻、高教育程度、高踏板车拥有量和低汽车拥有量相关。平均而言,本研究中的受访者表示愿意为综合支付选项支付 0.55 美元。这些结果为综合城市交通系统提供了宝贵的见解。