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Train stations’ impact on housing prices: Direct and indirect effects
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2024.103979
Alexandra Rojas

Investments in rail are usually expected to improve accessibility for individuals. The value of the additional accessibility is often measured by the impact on housing prices nearby. This paper analyses the City Tunnel in Southern Sweden, a major railway investment that resulted in two new train stations in 2010: the Triangeln and Hyllie train stations. A station may affect housing prices both directly and indirectly. Direct effects are the transport-related benefits (e.g., improved accessibility), while indirect effects are additional non-transportation investments that the new station attracted to the area. The direct and indirect effects generate together the total effect on housing prices. To accurately estimate the value of the accessibility provided by the new stations it is necessary to disentangle the two effects.



对铁路的投资通常有望改善个人的交通便利性。额外可达性的价值通常通过对附近房价的影响来衡量。本文分析了瑞典南部的城市隧道,这是一项重大铁路投资,于 2010 年建成了两个新火车站:Triangeln 火车站和 Hyllie 火车站。车站可能直接或间接影响房价。直接影响是与交通相关的效益(例如,改善可达性),而间接影响是新车站吸引到该地区的额外非交通投资。直接影响和间接影响共同产生对房价的总影响。为了准确估计新站提供的可达性价值,有必要理清这两种影响。