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Understanding teacher professional commitment from a positive psychology perspective: A case from Myanmar's Chinese language teachers
The Modern Language Journal ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-20 , DOI: 10.1111/modl.12908
Yue Peng 1 , Kaiyang Lou 2 , Tao Xiong 3

In response to the issue of Chinese language teacher attrition in Myanmar, this study aimed to examine the professional commitment of these teachers, with a focus on how their commitment is constructed and shaped within the local context. The study adopted a theoretical lens of positive psychology and utilized a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Data was collected through semi‐structured interviews in which 10 participants shared their life stories. Thematic analysis was then conducted to identify key themes. The study proposed a positive‐psychology‐informed model with motivation, meaning, and perseverance as the three key components that interact with each other to jointly shape teachers’ professional commitment. In particular, motivation to teach is a precondition, the meaning‐making process functions as reinforcement, and perseverance in coping with adverse situations is the ultimate embodiment of teachers’ professional commitment. A common feature underlying this model has been traces of the teachers’ positive emotions, attitudes, and values. Furthermore, the study approached Chinese language teachers’ professional commitment in the situated context at cultural, societal, and institutional levels. The study yields theoretical implications for understanding teacher commitment and offers practical insights for addressing the issue of attrition among Chinese language teachers in Myanmar and similar contexts.



针对缅甸汉语教师流失的问题,本研究旨在考察这些教师的专业承诺,重点关注他们的承诺是如何在当地背景下构建和塑造的。该研究采用了积极心理学的理论视角,并采用了解释学现象学方法。数据是通过半结构化访谈收集的,其中 10 名参与者分享了他们的生活故事。然后进行主题分析以确定关键主题。该研究提出了一个积极的心理学模型,以动机、意义和毅力作为三个关键组成部分,它们相互作用,共同塑造教师的专业承诺。特别是,教学动机是前提,意义建构过程起到强化作用,坚持应对逆境是教师专业投入的最终体现。这种模式的一个共同特征是教师积极情绪、态度和价值观的痕迹。此外,该研究还探讨了汉语教师在文化、社会和制度层面的情境背景下的专业承诺。该研究为理解教师的奉献精神提供了理论启示,并为解决缅甸和类似背景下的汉语教师流失问题提供了实践见解。