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Subconvexity bound for GL(3) × GL(2) L-functions : Hybrid level aspect
Algebra & Number Theory ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-16 , DOI: 10.2140/ant.2024.18.477
Sumit Kumar , Ritabrata Munshi , Saurabh Kumar Singh

Let F be a GL (3) Hecke–Maass cusp form of prime level P1 and let f be a GL (2) Hecke–Maass cuspform of prime level P2. We will prove a subconvex bound for the GL (3) × GL (2) Rankin–Selberg L-function L(s,F × f) in the level aspect for certain ranges of the parameters P1 and P2.


GL(3) × GL(2) L 函数的次凸界:混合水平方面

F成为一个GL 3素能级的赫克-马斯尖点形式1然后让F成为一个GL 2素能级赫克-马斯尖形2。我们将证明一个次凸界GL 3 ×GL 2兰金-塞尔伯格L-功能Ls,F × F在某些参数范围的水平方面12
