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Functional diversity of snake locomotor behaviors: A review of the biological literature for bioinspiration
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-17 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15109
Jessica L. Tingle 1 , Kelsey L. Garner 1 , Henry C. Astley 1

Organismal solutions to natural challenges can spark creative engineering applications. However, most engineers are not experts in organismal biology, creating a potential barrier to maximally effective bioinspired design. In this review, we aim to reduce that barrier with respect to a group of organisms that hold particular promise for a variety of applications: snakes. Representing >10% of tetrapod vertebrates, snakes inhabit nearly every imaginable terrestrial environment, moving with ease under many conditions that would thwart other animals. To do so, they employ over a dozen different types of locomotion (perhaps well over). Lacking limbs, they have evolved axial musculoskeletal features that enable their vast functional diversity, which can vary across species. Different species also have various skin features that provide numerous functional benefits, including frictional anisotropy or isotropy (as their locomotor habits demand), waterproofing, dirt shedding, antimicrobial properties, structural colors, and wear resistance. Snakes clearly have much to offer to the fields of robotics and materials science. We aim for this review to increase knowledge of snake functional diversity by facilitating access to the relevant literature.



应对自然挑战的有机解决方案可以激发创造性的工程应用。然而,大多数工程师都不是有机生物学方面的专家,这为最有效的仿生设计创造了潜在障碍。在这篇综述中,我们的目标是减少对一组对各种应用具有特殊前景的生物体的障碍:蛇。蛇占四足脊椎动物的 10% 以上,几乎栖息在所有可以想象到的陆地环境中,在许多可能阻碍其他动物的条件下轻松移动。为了做到这一点,他们采用了十几种不同类型的运动(也许远远超过)。由于缺乏四肢,它们进化出了轴向肌肉骨骼特征,这使得它们具有巨大的功能多样性,而这些功能在不同物种之间可能有所不同。不同物种还具有不同的皮肤特征,可提供多种功能优势,包括摩擦各向异性或各向同性(根据其运动习惯的要求)、防水、污垢脱落、抗菌性能、结构颜色和耐磨性。蛇显然可以为机器人和材料科学领域提供很多帮助。我们的目的是通过促进相关文献的获取来增加对蛇功能多样性的了解。