Molecular Neurodegeneration ( IF 14.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-16 , DOI: 10.1186/s13024-024-00710-2 Grace M Lloyd 1, 2 , Jess-Karan S Dhillon 1, 2 , Kimberly-Marie M Gorion 1, 2 , Cara Riffe 1, 2 , Susan E Fromholt 1, 2 , Yuxing Xia 1, 2 , Benoit I Giasson 1, 2, 3 , David R Borchelt 1, 2, 3
Correction: Molecular Neurodegeneration 16, 63 (2021)
The authors wish to correct an error in Fig. 7A of the original article [1]. We have determined that the representative image of a hemibrain shown for 10 month-old, PBS-injected, nontransgenic (nTg) mice in panel A is incorrect. Due to a labeling error of the digital file name, the brain image shown was actually from a 10 month-old, PBS-injected, wild-type αSyn (M20) animal. The corrected panel for Fig. 7A is provided in the figure shown below. It is imperative to emphasize that this correction does not alter the conclusions presented in the paper. None of the 10 month-old nTg or M20 mice injected with PBS exhibited appreciable pathology.
The authors sincerely regret any confusion this oversight may have caused and appreciate the understanding of the readership.
Lloyd GM, Dhillon J-KS, Gorion K-MM, Riffe C, Fromholt SE, Xia Y, et al. Collusion of α-Synuclein and Aβ aggravating co-morbidities in a novel prion-type mouse model. Mol Neurodegener. 2021;16:63.
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Department of Neuroscience, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32610, USA
Grace M. Lloyd, Jess-Karan S. Dhillon, Kimberly-Marie M. Gorion, Cara Riffe, Susan E. Fromholt, Yuxing Xia, Benoit I. Giasson & David R. Borchelt
Center for Translational Research in Neurodegenerative Disease, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32610, USA
Grace M. Lloyd, Jess-Karan S. Dhillon, Kimberly-Marie M. Gorion, Cara Riffe, Susan E. Fromholt, Yuxing Xia, Benoit I. Giasson & David R. Borchelt
McKnight Brain Institute, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32610, USA
Benoit I. Giasson & David R. Borchelt
- Grace M. LloydView author publications
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- Jess-Karan S. DhillonView author publications
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- Kimberly-Marie M. GorionView author publications
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- Cara RiffeView author publications
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- Susan E. FromholtView author publications
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- Yuxing XiaView author publications
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- Benoit I. GiassonView author publications
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- David R. BorcheltView author publications
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Correspondence to Benoit I. Giasson or David R. Borchelt.
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Lloyd, G.M., Dhillon, JK.S., Gorion, KM.M. et al. Correction: Collusion of α-Synuclein and Aβ aggravating co-morbidities in a novel prion-type mouse model. Mol Neurodegeneration 19, 17 (2024).
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更正:α-突触核蛋白和 Aβ 的共谋加剧了新型朊病毒型小鼠模型的并发症
更正:分子神经变性 16, 63 (2021)
作者希望纠正原始文章 [1] 图 7A 中的错误。我们已经确定,A 组中显示的 10 个月大、注射 PBS 的非转基因 (nTg) 小鼠半脑的代表性图像是不正确的。由于数字文件名的标签错误,显示的大脑图像实际上来自 10 个月大、注射 PBS 的野生型 αSyn (M20) 动物。下图提供了图 7A 的校正面板。必须强调的是,这一更正不会改变论文中提出的结论。注射 PBS 的 10 个月大 nTg 或 M20 小鼠均未表现出明显的病理学。
Grace M. Lloyd、Jess-Karan S. Dhillon、Kimberly-Marie M. Gorion、Cara Riffe、Susan E. Fromholt、Yuxing Xia、Benoit I. Giasson 和 David R. Borchelt
Grace M. Lloyd、Jess-Karan S. Dhillon、Kimberly-Marie M. Gorion、Cara Riffe、Susan E. Fromholt、Yuxing Xia、Benoit I. Giasson 和 David R. Borchelt
伯努瓦·贾森 (Benoit I. Giasson) 和大卫·R·博切尔特 (David R. Borchelt)
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Jess-Karan S. Dhillon查看作者出版物
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Kimberly-Marie M. Gorion查看作者出版物
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Cara Riffe查看作者出版物
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Susan E. Fromholt查看作者出版物
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通讯作者:Benoit I. Giasson 或 David R. Borchelt。
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Lloyd, GM、Dhillon, JK.S.、Gorion, KM.M.等人。更正:α-突触核蛋白和 Aβ 的共谋加重了新型朊病毒型小鼠模型中的并发症。摩尔神经变性19 , 17 (2024)。
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