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Unveiling the Catalytic Merits of LaV3O9 over Conventional LaVO4 Polymorphs to Boost Desired Kinetics of Humid NOX Reduction and Poison Disintegration
ACS Catalysis ( IF 11.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-16 , DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c04828
Seokhyun Lee 1, 2 , Jeongeun Choi 1 , Heon Phil Ha 1 , Jung-Hyun Lee 2 , Jongwook Park 3 , Jongsik Kim 3

SOZ2– (Z = 3–4)-functionalized metal vanadates vary with the type of metal cations (Mn+) for the Mn+-O2–-V5+ channels that fragment to impart Brönsted acidic bonds (BA-H+; SOZ2–-H+) and labile/mobile oxygens (OL/OM) with distinct populations and affinities for NOX/O2/H2O/SO2. SOZ2–-modified Mn+-O2–-V5+ fragments bind with NH3 to activate Eley–Rideal (ER)-type selective catalytic NOX reduction (SCR), yet, hardly enable OL coordination with NOX and are often hydrophilic, thereby limiting the activities of SCR or ammonium (bi)sulfate (AS/ABS) fragmentation, as gauged by the NOX consumption (-rNOX) and AS/ABS degradation rates (-rAS/ABS), respectively. Here, we justified the use of nonreducible La3+-containing La3+-O2–-V5+ channels, whose merits in accelerating SCR and AS/ABS fragmentation were found to be more pronounced for SOZ2–-modified LaV3O9 (LaV3O9-S) than for conventional/polymorphic LaVO4 analogues (LaVO4-S). Besides activating the ER-type SCR, LaV3O9-S bound with NO and activated Langmuir–Hinshelwood-type SCR, as opposed to LaVO4-S. The pre-exponential factor (kAPP,0) and -rNOX were thus higher for LaV3O9-S than for LaVO4-S and were coupled with the greater amount of OM in the former, leading to superior SCR performance under wet gases. Moreover, compared to LaV3O9-S, its Sb2O5-promoted analogue (LaV3O9-Sb2O5-S) provided a larger number of NH3-accessible BA-H+ bonds to achieve higher kAPP,0/-rNOX alongside higher OM mobility. Furthermore, the LaV3O9-S and Sb2O5-S of LaV3O9-Sb2O5-S elevated the hydrophobicity and number of ABS-accessible BA-H+ bonds, respectively. LaV3O9-Sb2O5-S thus revealed a lower energy barrier and higher kAPP,0 in AS/ABS pyrolysis than a commercial control (V2O5-WO3-S), resulting in a higher -rAS/ABS for the former. Consequently, LaV3O9-Sb2O5-S displayed superior SCR performance and greater hydrothermal resistance under SO2-containing wet gases in comparison with V2O5-WO3-S.


揭示 LaV3O9 相对于传统 LaVO4 多晶型物的催化优点,以增强潮湿 NOX 还原和毒物分解的所需动力学

SO Z 2– ( Z = 3–4)-功能化金属钒酸盐随 M n + -O 2– -V 5+通道的金属阳离子 (M n + )类型而变化,该通道断裂以赋予布朗斯台德酸性键 (BA -H + ; SO Z 2– -H + ) 和不稳定/移动氧 (O L /O M ) 具有不同的种群和对 NO X /O 2 /H 2 O/SO 2的亲和力。SO Z 2–修饰的 Mn + -O 2– -V 5+片段与 NH 3结合,激活 Eley–Rideal (ER) 型选择性催化 NO X还原 (SCR),但很难使 O L与 NO 配位X和 通常是亲水性的,从而限制 SCR 或硫酸(氢)铵 (AS/ABS) 碎片的活性,如通过 NO X消耗 (- r NOX ) 和 AS/ABS 降解率 (- r AS/ABS )来衡量, 分别。在这里,我们证明了使用不可还原的La 3+包含La 3+ -O 2– -V 5+通道,其在加速SCR 和AS/ABS 碎裂方面的优点被发现对于SO Z 2–修饰的LaV更为明显3 O 9 (LaV 3 O 9 -S) 优于传统/多晶型 LaVO 4类似物 (LaVO 4 -S)。除了激活 ER 型 SCR 之外,LaV 3 O 9 -S 还与 NO 结合并激活 Langmuir-Hinshelwood 型 SCR,这与 LaVO 4 -S不同。因此,LaV 3 O 9 -S的指前因子 ( k ' APP,0 ) 和 -r NOX高于LaVO 4 -S,并且与前者中更多的 O M相结合,从而产生优异的 SCR湿气体下的性能。此外,与LaV 3 O 9 -S相比,其Sb 2 O 5促进的类似物(LaV 3 O 9 -Sb 2 O 5 -S)提供了更多数量的NH 3-可接近的 BA -H +键以实现更高的kAPP,0 /- r NOX以及更高的 O M迁移率。此外,LaV 3 O 9 -Sb 2 O 5 -S的LaV 3 O 9 -S和Sb 2 O 5 -S分别提高了ABS可接近的BA - -H +键的疏水性和数量。因此,与商业对照(V 2 O 5 -WO 3 -S)相比, LaV 3 O 9 -Sb 2 O 5 -S 在 AS/ABS 热解中显示出更低的能垒和更高的k ' APP,0,从而导致更高的 - r AS/ABS为前者。因此,与V 2 O 5 -WO 3 -S相比,LaV 3 O 9 -Sb 2 O 5 -S在含SO 2湿气体下表现出优异的SCR性能和更大的耐水热性。