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Hydrothermal vent fauna of the Galápagos Rift: updated species list with new records
Marine Biodiversity ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s12526-024-01408-w
Chong Chen , John W. Jamieson , Verena Tunnicliffe

The sighting of giant bivalves and tubeworms at the Rose Garden vent field on the Galápagos Rift in 1977 marked the discovery of hydrothermal vents, a turning point for modern biology. The following decade saw a flurry of taxonomic descriptions of vent endemic species from the first vents. With the finding of high-temperature “black smokers” on the East Pacific Rise, exploration shifted away from Galápagos. A faunal list of Galápagos vents with 65 species was published in 1991, then updated to 74 species in 2006. Since then, few expeditions returned to the Galápagos Rift. Here, we revisited several Galápagos vents including recently confirmed high-temperature sites and inactive sulfide mounds. From our collecting efforts and observations, as well as revisions from the literature, we update the faunal list to 92 species including 15 new records, restricted to obvious vent associates. Accurate regional faunal lists are important for understanding the biogeography of vent fauna, and our list will also be valuable for setting management strategies.



1977 年,人们在加拉帕戈斯大裂谷玫瑰园喷口场发现了巨型双壳类动物和管虫,这标志着热液喷口的发现,这是现代生物学的一个转折点。接下来的十年出现了一系列对第一个热口特有物种的分类学描述。随着在东太平洋海隆发现高温“黑烟囱”,勘探工作的重点不再是加拉帕戈斯群岛。 1991 年出版了包含 65 个物种的加拉帕戈斯热口动物名录,并于 2006 年更新为 74 个物种。从那时起,很少有探险队返回加拉帕戈斯裂谷。在这里,我们重新考察了几个加拉帕戈斯火山口,包括最近确认的高温地点和不活跃的硫化物丘。根据我们的收集工作和观察,以及对文献的修订,我们将动物区系列表更新为 92 个物种,其中包括 15 个新记录,仅限于明显的喷口相关物种。准确的区域动物名录对于了解喷口动物群的生物地理学非常重要,我们的名录对于制定管理策略也很有价值。
