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The Clothes Make the Woman: How Fashion Informs the Comedic Identity of Schitt’s Creek’s Moira Rose
Journal of Popular Film and Television ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-14 , DOI: 10.1080/01956051.2023.2275011
Judith Clemens-Smucker

The Canadian television comedy Schitt’s Creek (2015–2020) tells the story of the Rose family after they are reduced to poverty through the machinations of a criminal business manager and must take ...


衣服塑造女人:时尚如何塑造 Schitt's Creek 的 Moira Rose 的喜剧身份

加拿大电视喜剧《Schitt's Creek》(2015-2020 年)讲述了罗斯一家因犯罪企业经理的阴谋而陷入贫困并必须采取行动的故事。